Whole 30: Day 28 – Deciding to Continue or Not
The tricky part about the last few days of Whole 30 is deciding whether or not you want to continue with Whole30 beyond the 30 days.
You feel so good physically, emotionally and mentally that it is scary to think of coming off of Whole 30 and eating non-compliant foods. Typically, you fear not having control over your cravings, overeating on all of the foods you weren’t allowed to have during the 30 days, and the negative, physical effects that come with eating those foods. I can honestly say I was there on each of my Whole 30’s before and slightly feel that way now.
In these past 28 days, I haven’t had much of a desire to eat desserts or non whole 30 foods because I’ve just really enjoyed the foods I’ve been eating, embraced the positive impact of clean eating on my fitness goals, and celebrated the decreased lack of digestive issues during this challenge. Yes, I would like to be able to eat a nice chocolate brownie (many of you have heard me talk about this post Whole 30 brownie) but at the same time, I don’t know if I want to eat it right away. I personally don’t want to rush into eating any non-compliant food until I see something that is worth eating.
Many people actually choose to extend their Whole30 to 45 days, 60 days, 90 days and sometimes even longer. However, I think that this time around, I’m going to ride my own bike and keep eating this way until something comes along that I know I will enjoy. I choose to still allow myself the freedom of once a week treats, if I’m feeling up to it. With this mentality, I hope to continue to view food as fuel and something to be enjoyed, but not something to use to satisfy emotions of any kind (good or bad).
Now, if you are doing Whole30 or plan to do Whole30 at some point and are coming to the end of your 30 days, ask yourself if you want to keep going and why. I encourage you to answer the questions below (derived form the Whole30 daily emails) to see if extending your Whole 30 is actually the best decision for you personally:
- Do I still have intense cravings for sugar or processed foods? (If this is the case, maybe you need to stay on Whole 30 awhile longer to try to conquer this)
- (If applicable) Has my medical condition improved over the last 30 days? Would staying on Whole 30 longer help to improve it more? (If so, a few extra weeks might clear up those skin issues, depression, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, etc.)
- Am I scared to eat less healthy foods because I think I won’t control myself? (If so, don’t be afraid! Remember you are in control now, not the food around you. If things start slipping, you can always start to apply the Whole 30 Principles again)
- Are you feeling really good and want to keep going? (If so, it’s totally up to you! I would recommend continue to eat using the Whole 30 principles and if something delicious and worth it comes up, then eat it and enjoy it! Don’t let guilt get the best of you. Afterwards, get back on your Whole 30 grind 🙂
The Whole 30 website also provides a re-introduction schedule to help you introduce back some of the foods you cut out, while evaluating the effects the foods now have on you. The website also provides an Off-roading guide to help you determine whether or not a non-Whole 30 food is worth it once your 30 days are done.
Regardless of if you choose to extend your 30 days or not, remember – you are in control. You do not have to eat or dink something you don’t want to or even, that you may want to but know you shouldn’t. Food is not in control, you are.
You have the power and strength to make decisions that will benefit your body, mind, spirit, heart, and soul. You are not a slave to food or to fear.
If you would like support with the Whole30, I would love to help be there for you in some way through my FREE 20 Minute Whole30 Breakthrough Call!
> Book a FREE Whole30 Breakthrough Call <<

Have you tried the Whole30 before but didn’t get the results you wanted, because you needed more support?
Maybe you’re interested in trying it, but have some concerns or questions and want to make sure it’s the right fit before going ALL in.
If your answer to any of those was YES, then I have just the thing for you!
Each month, I open up a few spots on my calendar for FREE 20-minute calls for women to chat with me and get all their questions answered around the Whole30 program, and to see if my 6-week program is a great fit for them.
If you’re ready for a breakthrough in your health and weight-loss goals once and for all, book a call today and let’s chat through how the Whole30 can help you get there.
Book a call >>HERE<<
As always, I’m grateful for the opportunity to be able to support you all in your health journey. I hope that through the Whole30 Made Easy Program, you too will come to see the power in knowing how food affects you as an individual and learning that you are in control – not food.
P.S. Want to try some simple and easy Whole30 recipes? Grab five of my favorite ones >>HERE<<.
P.S.S. Don’t forget to book your FREE 20 minute Whole30 Breakthrough Call >>HERE<<.