Biblical Basis for Holistic Health: An Introduction
Have you ever had something in your heart you wish to communicate through words, but cannot seem to find the article, inspirational quote, bible verse or even an already written song to communicate it? It’s as if you have a thought or emotion burning a mark on your soul, itching to make its appearance outside of yourself, to the public.
This my friends, is exactly how I feel when it comes to my heart’s anthem and stand on holistic health. I’ve ready many articles and books, listened to many podcasts and have studied various theories on wellness and holistic health. But to simply repeat what others have said or written, is not what my soul is itching to communicate in this time. My soul is being pushed by God’s Holy Spirit to relay what He has shown me is the Biblical Basis for Holistic Health.
Now, this is not a topic I will cover in one blog because 1) there’s too much truths to proclaim and 2) it’s just too important to me to condense or to rush. So over the next few months, I intend to really break down what I have learned and come to believe is the Biblical foundation and basics of holistic health. I preface this series by saying that I do not know everything, nor will I ever know everything when it comes to holistic health. However, I do have a heart that is steadfast after God to both seek Him and honor Him in this journey to be healthy in every area of my life, and to walk alongside others to do the same. So, have grace for me as I venture into this series, give me feedback along the way and tell me if a certain blog or concept spoke to your heart.
Based on what I’ve learned and come to experience as truth, there are five main areas of health we as individuals must pay attention to. They are:
- Spiritual
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Relational
Now, I did not list these in any particular order but I will say here, from the beginning, that I believe the foundation of our health and who we are as individuals is in the spiritual aspect of health. We are all spiritual beings, created by the one and only God, who is by nature a spiritual being as well. Furthermore, I am a follower of Jesus and have come to both know and experience that without a relationship with Jesus and the God who created us, we will never truly be well or be healthy. We can eat all the kale, grapefruit, or chia seeds we want, but we will never truly be fed or satisfied. Jesus states in the book of John that He is the Bread of Life and the Living Water, and those who know Him and follow Him will never be hungry or thirsty ever again.After years of being a Christian and not knowing why and then finally coming to a point where I understood the love Jesus has for me, I can stand on His words that because I have a relationship with Him, my soul has never been more satisfied and more nourished than by Him. I can try to feed myself with intangible food like success, good relationships, and self-care. I can try to hydrate myself with water, herbal tea, and kambucha. I can even try to feed my body clean, whole foods. Yet, none of these have satisfied my soul, my mind, my heart, and my entire being like Jesus has. It is because of Him I have life and a full one too. It is because of Him I have and am being made well. And it is because of Him that I desire for others to experience freedom, empowerment and truth in every area of their health and lives. Therefore, Jesus and His Word (the Bible) is the cornerstone and the only foundation upon which I will build my view and practice of Holistic Health upon.
Now, does this mean I will force Christianity on any of you who aren’t? Or turn you away because you don’t believe what I believe? No, it does not. If I were to do that, it would actually be going against the God who came to earth to love everyone and show them what true life is. It would be going against Jesus – the one I am trying to devote my life to. However, I must state and stand on what I have come to research and believe as truth in the area of health. I will not run away from it, nor will I hold back what I feel led by God to share on it.
So my friends, my hope and my prayer is that you will once again journey with me in discovering the importance of living well in every area of our lives, and to keep persevering despite setbacks or goals unfulfilled. Living healthy and living well is a journey, not a destination and my prayer is that you will walk this journey for the rest of your life and believe and know that you will be made whole and well.