Health Coaching Testimonial #1: Finding Joy & Confidence through Holistic Health
Holistic Health Coaching goes deeper than the food someone eats. It challenges someone to see beyond the physical to what’s happening in the mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and more.Viewing health from a holistic point of view will cut to the core of any health issue, will reveal one’s true motivations and ideas about life and health, and will motivate one towards finding joy, confidence, and wholeness in every aspect of life – not just in what one eats, how one looks, or how one rates in his or her fitness level.
Holistic Health changes lives. Since I started my own health journey, I knew this to be true as I saw how finding balance in all areas of my life gave me freedom, joy, confidence, hope and love for who I was and am.
Therefore, I knew from the very beginning when starting my health coaching career that a holistic health approach would be fundamental to Made Well as a health coaching practice and as a blog. I refuse to just focus on the physical because even if we experience transformation in physical health, we will not experience lasting and true joy, meaning, and wellness if we don’t pay attention to the other areas of our lives.
However, I thought instead of me trying to convince you that holistic health is important to lasting transformation and wellness in our lives, I asked one of my current clients to share her experience with holistic health coaching thus far in my program and her journey with holistic health.
It has been an absolute joy to be apart of this client’s health journey and see her put in hard work to find joy, confidence, and wellness in every area of of her life. It’s been an honor that I praise God for every time I leave one of our coaching meetings. She is one of the most amazing women I know and it’s been beautiful to see her finally realizing that for herself week after week, and to see her realize that all of who she is now, is enough and that she is doing great at working towards her best self.
So, don’t skip out on reading her testimony below. Even if you never do health coaching with me or anyone else, I want you to read her testimony because I want you to see the power of pursuing holistic health and how you too can experience the joy, confidence, and abundant life she has felt in her holistic health journey.
However, if after reading her testimony, you want to learn more about holistic health and/or my holistic health coaching program for yourself and/or those you love, please don’t hesitate to fill out the contact form on my Stay in Touch page. I’m eager to see you too experience lasting health and transformation in every area of your life and in the lives of those you love.
Note: I have kept the personal details and name of the client below anonymous for privacy reasons. I have also left her testimonial questionnaire unedited, for you to be able to hear firsthand her experience.
Health Coaching Testimonial #1: Finding Joy & Confidence in Holistic Health
My Top-Three goals upon starting the program were:
- To heal my constant stomach issues
- To be more healthy physically, spiritually, mentally, & emotionally
- To love my body & take care of in a way that I felt happy to be the person God created me to be.
Brianna Wilkerson was able to help me work out these goals by
When I started Brianna’s program I was surprised to see how quickly I saw results. Not just physically; but holistically I felt like a brand new person. Brianna taught me to look at health from a holistic point-of-view. And not just the physical aspect. She gave me the tools and the motivation I needed to live a more balanced life. Within weeks my stomach issues cleared up, I gained a stronger healthier body, I became more self-confident, and now I think about my health way more than I use to before. If something is not good for you than why let it ruin your health.
The biggest tangible change I’ve noticed since I started the program are:
- Better physical performance when exercising
- Clearer, more focused mind
- Stomach issues have greatly improved
- Being more creative when cooking / preparing food
- More positive
- More self-confident
- Lost weight / gained muscle
- Compliments from others
- Growing in my spiritual faith everyday
The most significant overall change I have noticed has been:
My health has become a top-priority in my life. I don’t eat the junk food & candy bars like I use to. I don’t splurge on that chocolate fudge sundae & oreo cookies just because It’s in the house. I care about my body’s (holistic) health and how it’s going to affect me later. This is a continuous learning process & I haven’t got it 100% correct yet. But God has given me the grace to continue to strive for a healthier, happier ME. And I am not just talking about the numbers on a scale. I’ve had to realize that if that number on the scale didn’t change in a week, I still did good by eating the right foods, exercising, spending time with God, & having fun with friends.
I would describe Brianna Wilkerson as:
- Energetic
- Motivational
- Inspiring – her testimony & what God has done in her life makes you believe that you can be MADE WELL
- Never criticizing
- Has good ideas on what you can strive for to complete a certain goal.
- Loves God
- Demonstrates what it means to be healthy, happy, & whole
I would recommend Brianna Wilkerson to:
One word: EVERYONE
Other comments & feedback:
In my health journey with Brianna two things have really helped me stay motivated: 1) Her blog, & 2) The Circle of Life diagram. I recommend anyone who is interested to check out Brianna’s blog to learn more. Also the Circle of Life diagram is a good exercise to let you know how balanced your health is, and what areas you could work on more.