30 Days of Thankfulness With Essential Oils
Whenever the holidays come around, I’m always challenged to give thanks more for what I have. Whether it’s an amazing husband, loving family members and friends, sound health, the ability...
Whenever the holidays come around, I’m always challenged to give thanks more for what I have. Whether it’s an amazing husband, loving family members and friends, sound health, the ability...
I remember when and why I first started using doTERRA essential oils. I had struggled with tendinitis in my wrist for months and honestly, felt like all hope was lost....
I don’t know about you, but I’m done with not feeling good enough or what I do isn’t good enough. We live in a world that is inundated with messages...
Did you know that our skin is our largest organ? It covers about 18 square feet of our body and acts as our first line of self-defense, protecting us from...
When it comes to fat, let’s all be upfront and say we think fat is bad. Our minds have been conditioned to think that certain foods are “fattening” and that...