30 Days of Thankfulness With Essential Oils
Whenever the holidays come around, I’m always challenged to give thanks more for what I have.Whether it’s an amazing husband, loving family members and friends, sound health, the ability to do what I love each day, or the fact that Jesus came to rescue me, I have so many things to be thankful for.
Yet far too often do I sit in a place of discontentment over thing things I don’t have instead of being grateful and content with what I do have. I believe this discontentment is something we all wrestle with because we live in a society where more is better and what you have never seems like enough. This is what Victoria Castle would describe as the “trance of scarcity.”
The Trance of Scarcity and Not Enough
This trance is simply that we tend to operate out of a place of lack, instead of a place of abundance. We feel that there is never enough time, never enough money, never enough achievements, and simply never enough resources.
So day by day, we work tirelessly to achieve more, to get more, and to be more. But in the end, when we get that more, we are never satisfied because the reality is having more doesn’t not breed contentment or joy – enjoying and being grateful for what you do and already have is what actually brings joy and satisfaction.
I’ll be the first to say that I’m a victim to this trance of scarcity and struggle to feel like what I do is not good enough. Last week I wrote a blog post on this struggle with the spirit of the not good enough and challenged myself as well as those reading to choose to fight this lie and claim truth over our lives.
And to me, one of the best ways to conquer the trance of scarcity and the spirit of the not good enough is to foster a mindset and lifestyle of thankfulness and gratitude.
Fight Discontentment with Gratitude
So with the holidays coming up, I’m going to be intentional this year about fostering an attitude of gratefulness by challenging myself (and you too if you want to join in!) to be thankful each day for one thing that I personally have in my life.
However, I’m also going to express gratitude each day for a doTERRA essential oil that I have or have access too because honestly, essential oils changed my health and life. If it wasn’t for these oils, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I’m at with my fitness today. You can check out a post I wrote on why I started using essential oils >>HERE<<.
How the Challenge Works
Each day for the month of November I’ll post a short blog post with a picture and information on one essential oil and express gratitude for that oil as well as something I personally have in my life!
So! If you haven’t signed up for my Essential Oils Newsletter yet and would like to receive a summary of all the blog posts weekly, be sure to sign up below for my newsletter! You will also receive access to a Whole Foods and Essential Oils Class I did centered around helping you eat right and live a healthy lifestyle with whole foods and essential oils.
Sign up >>HERE<< for my Essential Oils Newsletter!
Want to join me in this challenge? Comment below so I know you’re in!
P.S. Don’t forget to check out all the essential oil classes we are having for the month of November! You can see all of the classes and RSVP >>HERE<<.