30 Days of Thankfulness with Essential Oils: Day 2 – Citrus Bliss!
If you are looking for a natural solution to help reduce stress and uplift your mood, this is the essential oil blend for you!Citrus Bliss is known as the invigorating blend as it provides a refreshing aroma and energy that both uplifts you and scares away that bad mood!
This oil captures my heart every time I smell it! It’s sweet, citrus scent always makes me feel at peace while also energizing my mind and soul.
Citrus Bliss is a blend of everything great in the citrus family and includes:
- Wild Orange Peel,
- Lemon Peel
- Grapefruit Peel
- Mandarin Peel
- Bergamot Peel
- Tangerine Peel
- Clementine Peel essential oils
- Vanilla Bean Absolute (yes, vanilla!)
I’m grateful for this oil because it’s invigorating, fun and extremely useful! I love diffusing this blend, using it to purify the air and clean the kitchen counters!
I’m grateful for this natural solution for energy, stress management and a mood make-over!
Have you tried this blend yet? If not, let me know! Would love to share a sample of this goodness with you!
Personally, I’m also grateful for people who believe in me.
If you know me, you know that I’m hardworking and love to try new things and see things get done. If you know me even better, you know that I can be quite hard on myself and get discouraged when things aren’t working out as planned.
Yet, I’ve been so blessed to have people in my life that remind me of the callings and vision God has placed on my life, and that to stop when things get hard is not what God would want me to do.
I’m grateful that people can see greatness in me that is hard for me to see in myself, and are constantly reminding me that I was made for more than what I’m settling for.
Whether it’s my husband, parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, mentors, friends, co-workers, or even people I just see out who somehow know me and know the things I’m up to, I’m so grateful for a community of support that is always present and always encouraging.
Who in your life do you have to be thankful for today? Share with me below – would love to connect with you!
Look out tomorrow for an essential oil that is just for the holidays!
P.S. If you are interested in learning more about Citrus Bliss and other oils that can help manage stress and uplift your mood, email me at madewellky@gmail.com – would love to connect with you 🙂 Also, don’t forget to check out all the essential oil classes we are having for the month of November! You can see all of the classes and RSVP >>HERE<<.
P.S.S. If you are a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and are interested in learning more about Essential Oils Academy (who created these photos) and their online Facebook classes, check them out >>HERE<<