Comparison is the Death of Potential
I’ll be the first to admit to you that I am guilty of comparison more times than I can count.All my life, I’ve made it a priority to always be one step ahead of the game and always try to be on top. And as broken as that seems, I’m not the only one that does that – we all do it.
We all aim for the top simply because we place our value in being better than others. We think that being smaller, getting better grades, having a higher position, or being recognized more in society will mean that we are worth something, that we are worth more.
But I hate to break it to you, that’s a lie from the pit of hell.
Our value is not found in being better or achieving more than others, it is found and it was given by the One who created us for a purpose much greater than we can ever imagine.
Our value was placed the moment God thought of us and placed His image in us. We are so valued by Him in fact, that He chose to suffer and give His life in order that we may be saved.
He created us for greatness, for His glory and to bring love, peace, and His Kingdom into this world.
And the longer we believe that being better than someone else is what is of true value is the longer we do not live up to the potential that God created us for.
I’ve been reading a book by Dr. Myles Munroe called Maximizing Your Potential and it’s been wrecking my world. In this book, Dr. Munroe talks about that whenever a manufacture creates a product, he always creates it for a purpose.
He goes on to connect that this is also true of God when he created human beings. When God created human beings, he created each one for a purpose that demanded our existence on this planet.
A purpose that only each of us individually could fulfill. A purpose that is not the same as someone else’s because by nature we were all created differently with different purposes, on purpose.
So the longer we sit and compare ourselves in any form or fashion to someone else, is the longer we do not live up to that potential and purpose.
And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live my life like that anymore. I don’t want to live my life always feeling that I’m either in someone’s shadow or that they need to be in mine. I want to live my life in full confidence that who I am and what I do is valuable and is enough.
I want to live up to the unique calling God has placed on my life and maximize my potential now until I meet Him face-to-face.
Regardless of if you believe in God or hold the same values as me, you must know this – that you too were created for a great purpose, a great calling, with great potential. You were made to transform this world for good and see love and peace restored.
You were made to be a great mom, business owner, friend, athlete, baker, cleaner, and/or politician. You were made to be great at everything and anything you were called to do because the One who calls you is also great.
You were created with purpose and potential that will either be maximized or die with you. It is your choice alone whether or not to live in all of who you are and were meant to be, or let comparison and obstacles hold you back.
The choice is yours.
What will it be?