Getting The Body You Want Naturally: 7-Part Health, Wellness and Essential Oils Series (Part 1: Wellness Pyramid)
At the beginning of every new year, there is so much focus on getting one’s body back into shape and taking care of your health.And although I am all for this (as I am doing this as well), I get really sad when people try to accomplish their health and wellness goals through unhealthy and unsustainable ways.
When I say unhealthy and unsustainable what I mean is when people choose to do extreme diets, detoxes or exercise programs that actually deprive their bodies of the necessary nourishment and energy it needs, to the point that once the diet or detox is over, their bodies don’t know how to handle the extra food it starts to get. Their bodies are so used to being deprived that instead of metabolizing the additional food, it starts to hold on to the additional calories for dear life. so they start to gain back the weight they may have lost.
You see, these extreme diets, detoxes or even exercise programs can provide you with results for 30 days or even a few months, but what about after? Will you be able to keep them up?
Any eating or exercise plan that deprives you for too long could backfire and in the end, not provide you with a sustainable way of eating, exercising and living.
So this year, in addition to the Restart Express 30 Day Fit and Healthy Program and New Year, New You Series, I’m making it a priority to journey with you over the next seven weeks to find natural and sustainable ways of getting the healthy and strong body you have always wanted, naturally!
And by naturally and sustainable, I simply mean getting the body you want in a healthy and a sustainable way through proper nutrition, sustainable exercise, stress and sleep management, intentional emotional and mental health work, and natural solutions like essential oils.
This week, we are going to talk do a basic overview of what is known as the Wellness Pyramid. This will set ups up for further weeks where I will put on my health coach and essential oil advocate hats and share with you on how you can use the Wellness Pyramid guidelines and essential oils to get the body you want naturally and sustainable this new year and for the rest of your life 🙂
When I first started using essential oils, I was introduced to the Wellness Pyramid from doTERRA International (the particular company I get my oils from)..
What I LOVE about the Wellness Pyramid is that as a health coach, I truly believe the Wellness Pyramid to be true for your overall wellness and health – not just for essential oils!
- NUTRITION: At the foundation of the pyramid is eating right or nutrition. This is absolutely true because not only do we feel better when we eat better, but 60-80% of our immune system is in our gut so when we eat well, we actually ARE well. Thus, eating right and giving our bodies proper nutrition is absolutely key to living a healthy life and getting the bodies we want.
2. EXERCISE: After nutrition comes exercise or movement. The reason why exercise comes right after because at the end of the day, our bodies are meant to be in motion. Our bodies were designed to support us in our daily activities and to experience movement.
3. REST AND MANAGE STRESS: Next in line in the pyramid is managing our stress and getting rest. We live in a society inundated with too much stress and too little sleep. As I mentioned in a recent post on managing stress and sleep, too much stress and too little sleep puts our bodies in a chronic state of stress which leads to inflammation in the body, major health concerns, and also weight gain.
4. REDUCING TOXIC LOAD: Next in the pyramid is reducing toxic load. Reducing toxic load simply means to reduce the amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. This is extremely important as we are exposed to way too many chemicals per day. Whether it be in our skin and hair products, cleaning solutions, air fresheners and more, we are exposed to way too many chemicals that are impacting our bodies and overall health.
I once did a skin and hair care class where I found out that a woman can put on AVERAGE 515 chemicals on her body each day – crazy! Not only does what we put on our skin and hair go into our bodies, it impacts her hormone levels and cellular health.
5. INFORMED SELF-CARE AND PRO-ACTIVE MEDICAL CARE: Lastly, but not least at the top of the pyramid is informed self care and proactive medical care. Informed self care really means that after learning more about what truly impacts your health and how you can care for yourself naturally in the other areas of the pyramid, you will be able to make a more informed decision about your health. Proactive medical care is all about you seeking medical care before some health issue gets out of hand.
Although I’m an advocate of natural solutions I do believe there is room and a need for medical care. There have been some situations where no essential oil or natural remedy could fully conquer so I had to seek medical care and I was completely okay with it. So don’t be afraid of the doctor’s office 🙂
In addition to practical steps to take care of yourself in the all areas of the wellness pyramid, I will also be sharing which essential oils and essential oil products can help you in each of these areas.
Essential oils are basically natural oils distilled and extract from plants. They are naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.The oils in the parts of the plant that protects it against environmental threats and provides other beneficial properties. Furthermore, essential oils are also highly concentrated when distilled for purity, potency and efficacy and can be up to 50 to 70 times more potent than herbs.
Thus, by coupling practical + sustainable steps in each area of the wellness pyramid in addition to pure, natural, and powerful essential oils, you will be sure to set yourself up for success in getting the body you want naturally and in a sustainable way!
For more support in your health and wellness journey, feel free to join us in the Restart Your Health Community for support!
Join us >>HERE<<
Live Class in the Cayman Islands: For those in Cayman, I will be having a live class on this series January 24th, 2017, 7:30pm.
Online Class: I’ll also be hosting a webinar on how to Get the Body You Want Naturally on February 7th, 2017 at 8:00pm..