Getting the Body You Want Naturally (Part 3: Eating Right & Nutrition)
Eating right is something we all desire to do, but sometimes can just be hard.Whether it is because we are overwhelmed by all the possible diets and healthy plans out there or because we feel like we don’t have time to eat well, making eating right a priority can just be hard.
But since eating right and nutrition is at the foundation of the wellness pyramid we talked about in part one of this series, we must make SOME changes and do whatever we can to make eating right a priority and practical to do.
So in part three of this series, my hope is to help you learn how to start eating right and getting the nutrition you need in a way that is practical and sustainable for the rest of your life. I will also share some essential oils to help you in this area as well as in the digestive and cleansing process that comes with eating right.
1.FOCUS ON MACRO-NUTRIENTS: Macro-nutrients are the three main types of nutrients you want to try to include at every meal.
These are:
- Carbohydrates (in the form of fruits and vegetables – even starchy veggies)
- Protein (eggs and meat are my go-to)
- Fats (avocados, olives, coconut products, etc).
The key for these is to try and focus on eating as many natural, whole foods in this category as possible.The idea is to eat as many real, whole foods as possible. These include vegetables, fruits, meats, healthy fats, and little sugar. When I focused on eating this way for the majority of the week, I personally saw great results and started to lose the weight, get fitter, and actually enjoy eating well.
For some fresh ideas on how you can incorporate more real, whole foods and macro-nutrients into your diet, here are 10 Delicious Paleo Recipes you can try >>HERE<<.
2. PORTION CONTROL: In today’s world, just about everything is supersized. It’s easy to eat too much because too much is put on our plate. In order to combat this, we need to do our best to monitor our portions and only consume what we need.
One thing I have found helpful to portion control is to use smaller plates (and bowls) so that I am eating less, but still feel comfortably full.
3. HYDRATION: Our bodies are roughly 60% water and we to drink water to maintain body fluids. Water also helps energize our muscle, keeps our skin hydrated, detox our kidneys, and helps us stay away from calories we don’t need!
One trick I’ve found helpful is to always have a cup of water at my desk and when it’s empty, to go and fill it up which helps me MOVE more and DRINK more!
4. FREQUENCY OF MEALS: The body is either in the digest or cleanse stage of digestion. When food is supplied irregularly it has a hard time regulating its metabolism, leaving your body to want to hold on to food when it actually does it. This makes it harder to lose weight and can slow down your metabolism.
Try scheduling your meals in your calendar so that you remember to eat and keep up your metabolism!
5. HAVE FUN: The saddest thing someone has ever told me is that he is going to stop eating anything that taste good because that was how he was going to eat healthy and lose weight! It broke my heart because that’s many of our mentalities towards healthy eating – that in order for it to be healthy, it won’t taste good.
For me, I think the complete opposite now because I have found some awesome recipes that are quick, fun, and healthy that are my go-to’s when life is busy and I want to make sure I eat well!
I encourage you to take one or two of these steps above and implement in this week! Then once you feel like it’s a habit, move on to another step.
BUT! In additional to these practical steps, using essential oils to help you in the eating right portion of the area is extremely important and needed.
Although there are many other essential oils and essential oil products that can help you in the eating right portion of the wellness pyramid (such as the metabolic blend, meal replacement shake and balanced supplements), there are six basic essential oils and products that will help you in your overall health and the digestion portion of eating right.
1. LEMON: Lemon is a great cleansing agent and helps cleanse the body and aid in digestion. The reason why this oil is great in your eating right and nutrition goals because digestion is important for breaking down nutrients that your body can use for it’s growth, energy and even cell repair. Without properly digesting your food, you won’t be able to actually use the nutrients from the healthier foods you eat.
One great way to use this oils it put some drops in your water or in an empty veggie capsule,and take it internally with food and water.
2. PEPPERMINT: Peppermint is also a great oil to promote digestive health and helps alleviate gas, bloating and the occasional stomach upset. This oil is also great to diffuse when feeling low on energy which is highly connected to what we eat. You see, when we are low on energy we often feel like we have to go to sugar to bring our energy back up, when in actuality we can use something like peppermint to help give us a boost of energy.
I use this oil internally in my water or put it in a veggie capsule, as well as diffuse it to get that natural boost of energy.
3. OREGANO: Oregano is a GREAT oil to help support the immune system, liver function, and cardiovascular system. It also offers powerful antioxidants and along with proper nutrition and exercise, may lead to better overall health and wellness. This oil is another great cleansing agent and is anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-sceptic, and even anti-bacterial.
I take this internally every morning in a capsule to cleanse my system and prepare it for the nutritious foods I will eat that day.
4. ON GUARD: Honestly, On Guard is a great one to help promote a healthy, immune system. And I don’t know about you, when I”m healthier all around and my immune system is up and running, I CHOOSE better foods. So I make it a priority to take this one daily internally in a capsule and in my water.
5. DIGEST ZEN: This digestive blend is amazing at helping to settle an upset stomach, gas, acid reflux, and even other major concerns like diarrhea and constipation. Blended with oils such as ginger, peppermint and fennel, this is a great blend to also help you in settling your stomach to better digest the nutritious choices you eat.
6. SLIM AND SASSY ESSENTIAL OIL & TRIM SHAKE: I didn’t mention these in the video, but doTERRA also has a slim and sassy (weight loss/metabolic blend) that may help manage cravings, promote a healthy metabolism, and is even a natural diuretic. Blended with oils such as lemon, cinnamon, grapefruit and cinnamon, this one is great to consume before meals to help control appetite and overeating.
doTERRA even has a chocolate and vanilla Slim and Sassy Trim Shake that is filled with nutrients, protein, and fiber that may also help with cravings,support healthy blood sugar levels and feelings of satiety and even help energy levels.
After learning about the practical steps you can take to move forward in eating right and even what essential oils may support your immune system and nutrition goals, what is the next step YOU need to take?
What practical tip above do you need to implement? What essential oil do you need to look into?
I would love to hear your thoughts below and help you succeed in that step in any way I can 🙂 So please, share with us below 🙂
P.S. If taking care of your health in a natural sustainable way this new year is something you feel strongly about, I would love to have you on the Getting the Body You Want Webinar, Tuesday, February 7th at 8pm EST! Even if you can’t make it, I will send out a recording so please don’t miss this opportunity if you know it’s just what you need. RSVP >>HERE<<.
P.S.S. If you want to talk about any of the practical steps or essential oils above, be sure to schedule a 30 minute complimentary call below! Schedule your call >>HERE<<.