Catalyze Your Purpose (Part 4: Discovering How to Push Through the Fear)
The only way you can move forward in your purpose, calling and dreams is to push through any and all fears.Over the last few weeks, I’ve been going through both on my blog and in the Healthy and Thriving Women group all about how to Catalyze Your Purpose and move forward in discovering, pursuing and thriving in your purpose and dreams.
After looking at what purpose is and how to discover who you are as a person, your heart’s passions, and your unique potential, I think it’s important to stop and see what fears are coming up.
You see, after every great discovery and clarity around our purpose and vision for our lives, comes a set of fears around the unknown.
You may actually know what you want to do and know how to do it, but are just plain scared of taking the steps necessary to claim that life and purpose you have always wanted.
This is normal, so don’t beat yourself up! I too have felt many fears around my purpose and dreams and still do!
But by using the four different strategies I talk about in this blog post and the video below, I’ve been able to move forward and find the courage to feel my fears, and do what I am called to do anyways.
I have found the courage to push through my fears and be the person I was meant to be, live the purpose I was meant to live, and maximize the potential I was meant to fulfill.
And I want you to do the same 🙂
So read further below to discover how you to can push through your fears.
Here are the four different strategies to help you move forward and push through your fears to live out your purpose:
1.KNOW YOUR WHY: You have to remember your WHY for your purpose, callings, visions and dreams. Ask yourself questions such as:
- Why do I even want to pursue this purpose?
- Why do I feel called to this ministry or passion?
- What is the desired result?
Knowing your why will keep you moving forward when fears arise and when things get tough.
Back in the beginning of last year, I was looking for a gift for my sister in Claire’s (accessory story for girls) and found a picture frame that I knew I had to buy not for her, but for myself! It was a few months after I started my business and was feeling up and down bout how it was going so I knew having this picture around would encourage me when things got tough.
The frame said the following quote:
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
You see, things will get tough and fears will come up, but it is in those moments that we MUST cling to our why and move forward despite the fear to accomplish the visions, purposes and callings we were CREATED to do.
My why is to truly empower others to be healthy and thrive in all areas of their lives, especially in their health, businesses and purpose. I have felt the mandate that this is what I’m called to so I have to keep going because even the few people I’ve helped a long the way that said they have been blessed by my blog posts, FB groups, or programs, make it all worth it.
So I really encourage you to take some time and write down your why and put it in a place where you can always see it and remember it 🙂
2.SET SOME SMART GOALS: To truly accomplish your why, vision and purpose, you need to write out some S.M.A.R.T goals, or specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals.
Without strategy and an action plan, your vision and purpose will never truly be what it’s supposed to be.
You need steps and goals to move towards to accomplish that WHY, but also to be able to measure success and celebrate your wins along the way!
I remember back in November 2015 at a Thanksgiving dinner with friends, us all going around the room and saying what we were thankful for, but also dreams we had for the upcoming year. I remember sharing with them that by December 2016/January 2017, I wanted to be full time with my business.
And you want to know when my last day at my accounting job was? January 31st 2017.
Now how did that happen? Well it happened by setting some goals in different areas (financially, client load, etc.) and pushing forward despite setbacks to see that become a reality.
Was it hard a long the way? Absolutely. Did I ever feel that it was impossible? Almost every day.
But I clung to my WHY for my dear life each step of the way. I clung to the truth that I was MADE to do this and I had to push forward and do whatever it took to see it become a reality.
So don’t skip this step! It’s one of the most important ones you can do to push through fears around your purpose, calling and dreams.
3. CONFIDE AND SHARE YOUR WHY AND GOALS WITH THOSE YOU TRUST: Telling others your why and goals will be INSTRUMENTAL in you being encouraged and held accountable.
I encourage you to think of two to three people who you can trust and share your why and goals, and ask them to hold you accountable and encourage you.
Doing this will help you to continue to move forward despite the fears or setbacks, and will help you know you always have someone on your side 🙂
4. UPGRADE YOUR STORY: I am currently reading the book “The Trance of Scarcity” by Victoria Castle and have been wrestling with the word ENOUGH a lot since starting to read it.
I know that I struggle with BEING ENOUGH and DOING ENOUGH and it has made its way into so many areas in my life. It has led me to let the FEAR of not being enough take over and drive me to work, work, and work and constantly try to be better.
So after reading the chapter on Upgrading Your Story in the Trance of Scarcity, I was challenged to upgrade and rewrite my story around this word enough. I wrote a couple different lines, but the one that stuck out to me most and one I knew I had to incorporate into my language and story was:
I am no longer a slave to man and his expectations. I am a daughter of the King and answer to Him alone.
You see, I’ve spent TOO much of my life trying to make others happy or be who they want me to be. I have been told in one instance that I am enough and do enough, and in the other that I’m not enough or don’t do enough.
And that back and forth affirmation and then criticism can mess with you and leave you feeling that you will NEVER be or do enough.
So I’m choosing from this day forward to upgrade my story to move past the FEAR of not being or doing enough, by choosing to reclaim my identity and truly be a daughter of the King and answer to Him alone.
But where do you need to upgrade your story? Where do you need to practically overcome fear and create a story of success, love and being/doing enough to move forward in your purpose?
I would absolutely love to support you in pushing through the fears you have and discovering a more positive mindset in regards to who you are as a person, your passions, your potential and ultimately, your purpose.
In addition to 1:1 purpose coaching, I also offer a 90 Minute Purpose Catalytic Intensive designed to help you move forward and catalyze you deeper into discovering, pursuing and thriving in your purpose and life.
During the intensive, we will work on:
- Uncovering and mastering any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back in moving forward in your purpose (i.e. fear of failing, fear of not being qualified, etc.)
- Mastering your mindset around who you are (your unique make-up, gifts, personality, passions, strengths, behaviors, etc.)
- Clarifying your passion (what makes you come alive and lights your heart up)
- Discover your unique potential and the impact you can make on this world
- Determining the next best steps to help propel you forward in your purpose-filled life and journey
You will also get e-support for one week after the intensive to help you with implementing the steps we talked about during our session.
The investment for this coaching session is only $197 USD.
If this is something that you are interested in and will help you push through your fears and move forward in your purpose, I would love to speak with you about it!
Please book a 30 Minute Purpose Clarity Call below where we can talk more about the Intensive and how it could help you where you are at in your purpose journey.
You can book that call >>HERE<<.
I am SO excited for you because I know that with the strategies above and even with coaching, you will be able to move forward and push through your fears to be all that you were called to be 🙂
Please let me know if you have any questions at all and know that I am here for you and BELIEVE IN YOU <3
P.S. Don’t forget to let me know if you are interested in the Purpose Coaching Intensive! And know that investing in YOU and who YOU are is worth it, trust me 🙂