Getting The Body You Want Naturally (Part 4: Exercise & Movement)
When it comes to getting the body we want naturally, exercise and movement are not the first things that we would choose to do to get the body we want.Many of us have come to hate exercise or see it as a form of punishment. We view it only as a means to end and often sign up for intense workout programs that are 1) not sustainable 2) not enjoyable and 3) leave us feeling less energetic than before.
So what then happens? We stop exercising and then go back to square one.
The problem is that often we are taking on too much, too fast which leads us to a mental and physical burn out.
I have seen this play out in my personal life far too often. I tried intense programs like Insanity, Taebo, and even P90X and would do them for awhile, but then stop after.
It wasn’t until I let go of the feeling like I needed to do what others were doing, or doing exercise just for a physical result, that began to exercise consistently and enjoyed it.
I started walking, then running, then weights, and then now do Crossfit!
And although I love them all, there are a few common problems I have run into and that people run into when it comes to exercise programs that are too intense too quick and when you don’t properly nourish your body to prepare you for exercise.
In the below video and post, we discuss these problems and their solutions, as well as essential oils that may help you have a thriving, and sustainable exercise routine.
This is one of the TOP problems I see. We often take on way too much, too quickly and it leaves us burnt out mentally and physically. We may get results for a while, but find that the intensity and consistency are hard to keep up because we made exercise more of a short-term challenge than a long-term habit.
The best way to start off an exercise plan is to start off small and realistic. This could be exercising for 10 minutes, 3x a week or even starting at only 1x a week. Whatever is going to help you ease into it slowly and consistently, do that!
Also, try to find an activity that you LOVE to do. Love to dance? Do that! Love to walk? Do that!
Finding something you can do slowly, consistently, and enjoyable will make all the difference.
This is another KILLER when it comes to exercising and honestly, just having your body function and function well. Many of us simply don’t get enough water each day which makes it hard for us to perform well in workouts, lose weight, recover from workouts and even build our muscles. Furthermore, without water to deliver essential nutrients to our bodies and flush the toxins out of our system, all of our bodies functions and systems would not operate the way it should.
The easiest solution I’ve found to combat this to always carry around a water bottle! Make sure you have water on hand and are drinking it throughout the day, but especially before, during and after a workout.
: Far too often do we go to unhealthy alternatives for energy such as excessive caffeine and energy drinks. Instead, what we really need to do is to get more rest each day and throughout the week to get the energy we need to exercise properly and well.
Some other ways to get energy naturally would be to include nutritious foods, like fats, fruits, veggies and other natural supplements like essential oils.
Although applying the practical steps above will help you develop an exercise plan that is consistent and sustainable, the following essential oils may also help you in your exercise and fitness journey:
Lemon essential oil has so many great uses! Known for its detoxing and cleansing properties, it is a great oil that may help reset your fat cells, remove heavy metals, calm the nerves and increase your concentration during exercise.
One of the top ways you can use this oil during exercise (and in general) is to place a couple drops in your water bottle and drink during exercise.
Note – Please make sure it’s a stainless steel or glass water bottle as the lemon essential oil is so potent that it will break down plastic or stereophone cups!
Breathe has to be one of my favorite blends! This blend contains a variety of oils and natural ingredients, such as laurel, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, ravensara, and cardamom. Breathe helps to open your airways and increase oxygen to your lungs, so this is a great oil to apply on before exercise to help you get the oxygen you need to do the exercises you love!
This oil and rub are GAME CHANGERS! This blend contains wintergreen, camphor, blue chamomile, blue tansy, ylang-ylang, osmanthus and helichrysum oils. This blend is WHY I started to use essential oils consistently and started to share them with others. Not only is this blend is amazing in helping to relieve joint pain, calms osteoarthritis, and soothe muscles, it also may help with healing tissues and reducing the pain from inflammation – which is exactly my story with it! You can ready more about that
Not only is this blend is amazing in helping to relieve joint pain, calms osteoarthritis, and soothe muscles, it also may help with healing tissues and reducing the pain from inflammation – which is exactly my story with it! You can ready more about that >>HERE<<.
This blend is great to apply after exercise or even at night before bed!
This month, March 2017, there is actually a great promotion going on for doTERRA’s Deep Blue Rub and Oil, so let me know if you are interested in trying this out! This would be the month too!
Mito2Max is a GREAT alternative to caffeinated drinks and may help increase energy and vitality in a natural way. It also enhances stamina and the usage of oxygen and supports metabolic adaption for different activities such as diving and marathon running.
doTERRA Mito2Max is a proprietary formula of standardized plant extracts and metabolic cofactors that supports healthy cellular energy production.* Mito2Max supports optimal mitochondrial function, aerobic capacity, and stamina naturally without the use of harmful stimulants. – doTERRA International
So if you are looking for a natural boost of energy, Mito2Max may just be the natural, energy supplement for you!
5. WILD ORANGE/PEPPERMINT: These two single oils together, are an energy punch just waiting to be thrown! Both oils on their own have uplifting and invigorating properties, so together with the sweetness of the orange and sharpness of the peppermint, this combo will help you focus during exercise and sports!
You can put a few drops in water or a few drops in your palm to inhale before/during exercise!
If you are looking for more support on your health journey, I would love to support you in any way I can!
Here are a few suggestions below:
- WOMEN OF HEALTH AND PURPOSE GROUP: If you are a woman looking for community and help on your health journey (as well as in owning your worth and purpose), I would love to have you join our online community! All you have to do is click “JOIN” >>HERE<<.
- HEALTH COACHING: I offer 1:1 health coaching packages that range from 90-minute sessions to 3-month coaching packages. If that is something you are interested in, feel free to check out my health coaching programs >>HERE<< and then book a call for us to talk about what it would be like to work together.
- ESSENTIAL OILS CONSULTATION: If you are interested in trying essential oils, I would love to talk more with you about it! Feel free to find a time in my calendar to book a call >>HERE<<.
Don’t let your past experiences with exercise and movement hold you back! Through applying these practical steps above and using essential oils as a natural solution for your health, you will begin to get the body you want naturally not just for a month or a period of time, but for the long haul.
P.S. If you would like some support in your fitness journey, be sure to grab my 30 Day Fitness Plan that’s FREE for a limited time only >>HERE<<.