Catalyze Your Purpose: (Part 5 – Create Your Purpose Plan)
We all have dreams for our lives, but only a small percentage of us actually pursue them.Dreams are not a shortage in our time, as many of us desire to live lives that we love and do what we enjoy.
But for many of us, the desires of our hearts and the reality of our lives seem oceans apart (as John and Stasi Eldridge of the book Captivating would say).
My sister, I’m here to say that does NOT have to be your story.
You can pursue every single one of your dreams and your life’s purpose today, and for the rest of your life.
All it will take is knowing who you are as a person, getting clear on your passion and purpose, maximizing your potential, pushing through all of your fears, and making a purpose plan for each and every one of those dreams.
All it will take is creating a purpose plan to see your dreams and purpose become reality.
In my experience, there are five steps when it comes to taking action and creating a purpose plan:
1.GET CLEAR ON YOUR END GOAL: This is where you figure out exactly what is your ultimate vision you want to accomplish. You want to be as specific as possible here (think back to the S.M.A.R.T. goals we talked about in Part 4 of this series) and outline who, what, where, when, and why.
For example, if your end goal is to create a women’s ministry, maybe your end goal would be “I want to launch a women’s ministry online for women struggling to know their identity in Christ, by December 2017. I want to do this because I know the power in understanding your identity in Christ as a woman and I believe other women will love more of who they are if they know their identity in Christ.”
Again, try to be as specific and realistic as possible here!
2. WORK BACKWARDS: Take your end goal you determined in step 1 above and work backward by outlining what S.M.A.R.T steps you need to take to reach that end goal. One of the best ways I’ve worked backward is to work backward in time, meaning if my end goal is one year away, I’ve made 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 9-month goals that will ultimately lead me towards that end goal.
3.CREATE RHYTHMS OF WORK AND REST: By creating spaces and times where you are working and then where you are resting, you create space to reflect and celebrate each step you are making towards your end goal and your purpose. From my personal experience, when I don’t create space to reflect and celebrate, I forget all that I HAVE DONE and just keep thinking about WHAT I NEED TO DO.When I have taken that space to reflect and celebrate, I’ve seen just how many women and men I had the privilege of serving and coaching through health coaching, purpose coaching, business coaching and essential oils. I’ve even written over 115 blog posts!
So, it’s really important to take space to rest, reflect and celebrate so that we can see just how many steps we have taken towards our purpose and end goal.
4.COMMIT TO SEEING IT THROUGH: Your end goal won’t just happen in a day. You need to commit to seeing it through and persevere. The journey of starting anything new or pursuing any goal that is worth it is not easy.But on the other side, I tell you there is a joy to be had. When you start doing what you are called to do and living your purpose, the joy that comes and the impact you make matters infinitely more than the struggle or pain. You need to do whatever it takes to commit to seeing your end goal happen. Whether it be writing out your purpose plan and having someone hold you accountable to it or putting it in a place where you see it often, you need to remind yourself of your end goal and why each day so you can persevere and see it come to fruition.
5.GET THE SUPPORT YOU NEED: Ask people to hold you accountable in your purpose and end goal in some way. Whether this is a family member, a friend, fellow purpose dreamer or coach, get someone to support you and hold you accountable.
However, as a purpose coach, I also would LOVE to support you in any way I can to truly move forward in your purpose. Not only do I have the Women of Health and Purpose online community, but I also offer a 90 Minute Purpose Clarity Intensive and a 3-Month 1:1 Discover, Pursue, and Thrive Purpose Coaching Program.
If having a coach to hold dream with you, plan with you, and hold you accountable as you discover, pursue and THRIVE in your purpose and dreams is something you desire, I would love to see if I could be a good fit for you in that way.
Please book a 30-minute Purpose Clarity Call below so we can further discuss what working together to accomplish your goals, dreams, and purpose would be like.
What is your next step?
- Do you need to get clear on your end goal?
- Work backward and create measurable steps towards that goal?
- Create rhythms of work and rest where you reflect and celebrate the progress you’ve made along the way?
- Commit to seeing your dream and purpose through?
- Get support from a community of other women and a purpose coach?
Whatever your next step is, it’s time to take it. You have SO much to offer this world and your dreams are something worth pursuing.
It’s in your dreams and your purpose that not only will you come alive and find joy, but those you impact and influence will start to find pursue their dreams, their purpose, and also find joy and come alive.
The world is calling you to rise up. Will you answer the call?
P.S. Don’t forget to join us in the Women of Health and Purpose Community >>HERE<< for further support in your purpose, and to let me know if you are interested in 1:1 Purpose Coaching >>HERE<<.