Getting the Body You Want Naturally (Part 7: Informed Self-Care & Proactive Medical Care)
Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to seeking medical care.Some people love the idea of going to a doctor when they need help with their health and some cringe at the thought of it.
But regardless of how you feel, doctors and medical professionals have their role in society. There are certain things that the average person (even a health and wellness coach or professional) just doesn’t know, but doctors and medical professionals have been trained in.
There is always room at the table for doctors and medical professionals. They play a part in our health; and so do we.
And the part we play is around the different lifestyle and wellness areas we talked about in Part 1 of this series (eating right, exercise, manage stress, and reducing toxic load), and is also around intentional and well-informed self-care.
So in the last part of this series, we are going to look at the role of informed self-care and proactive medical care in our health and lives, as well as what essential oils can help us in both.
When I say “informed” self-care, what I mean is becoming knowledgeable (or informed) about ways you can truly care for your health and yourself.
Three common problems around self-care include: 1) seeking the magic pill, 2) an inaccurate self-assessment and 3) lack of self-care habits.
1. SEEKING THE MAGICAL PILL: As much as the media or advertisements may want to convince you, there is no magic pill or “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to healthy eating, exercising, or living. Everyone’s body is different and everyone has different circumstances. To say that only ONE diet, ONE exercise program, or ONE way of doing anything when it comes to your health is THE WAY, isn’t doing anyone any favors.
Each of us are unique and has unique situations and each one of us must go on a journey where we experiment to see what works for US in our health and self-care journey. This is what I do with my health coaching clients and I love the freedom and empowerment it brings them. They move from a place of feeling like they HAVE to eat something or HAVE to do a certain exercise to a place of doing what’s right FOR them.
Yet, before any of us can find what works for us as individuals, we must be WILLING to go on this journey and experiment. We must move from a place of doing what the world tells us is RIGHT to finding what’s right for US.
2. INACCURATE ASSESSMENT: Too often do we assess ourselves or certain health situations inaccurately. Often, a sickness may come on that appears to be like one before it, but in reality, it may be something completely different. The best way to accurately assess your health situation and yourself is to ask questions of health and wellness professionals and even seek a doctor to help you treat the root of the health issue and not just treat the symptoms.
For me, I’ve found that asking those in the health and wellness field, doing research, and going to doctors has really helped me understand what’s happening in my body. It’s helped me learn to take care of myself more naturally through something like essential oils and has also helped me understand when a health situation is beyond my control and I need to see medical help.
3. LACK OF SELF-CARE HABITS: The reality is, sometimes many of us don’t have habits that foster self-care. We busy ourselves taking care of others while forgetting to truly create habits that care for ourselves. However, if we aren’t healthy or able to function well (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc.) then we truly can’t take care of others the way we want to. Thus, it’s important that we take the time to break unhealthy habits and create new ones that foster self-care. Some of these habits could be as simply as flossing, making time for a pedicure or a massage, creating space in our scheduling for fun and adventure, or even exercising and eating well. Whatever you need to do to take care of yourself holistically, do it and see it as a priority and commitment that you will not break.
1. NOT WILLING TO SEEK HELP: Sometimes our pride gets the best of us and we don’t want to seek out help or a professional because we think we have it under control. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry – especially when you are showing symptoms or signs of something that you’ve never experienced before. Therefore, the first step to really being proactive with medical care is being willing to seek help.
2. SEEKING HELP TOO LATE: For some of us, we don’t mind seeking out medical help when we are experiencing signs of sickness and illness. However, sometimes we wait until it’s too late and our condition worsens when it could have gotten better if we had sought help beforehand. If you are unsure in the least bit that what you are experiencing is normal or have experienced before, seek professional help. Whether it’s migraines, stomach issues, sore joints, or even what seems like a common cold, seek help while you can. You want to get to the ROOT of the issue earlier rather than later. The very act of seeking out help is an act of self-care that you can do for yourself.
In addition to seeking out medical help to care for yourself, there are tons of natural solutions like essential oils that can help! See five of my favorites below:
- DIGEST ZEN: This digestive blend is amazing at helping to settle an upset stomach, gas, acid reflux, nausea and even other major concerns like diarrhea and constipation. Blended with oils such as ginger, peppermint, and fennel, this is a great blend to also help you in settling your stomach to better digest the nutritious choices you eat.
2. ON GUARD: Honestly, On Guard is a great one to help promote a healthy immune system. And I don’t know about you, when I’m healthier all around and my immune system is up and running, I CHOOSE better foods. So I make it a priority to take this one daily internally in a capsule and in my water.
3. LIFE LONG VITALITY PACK: This is pack contains three different supplements filled with essential oils, vitamins, minerals and natural components like fruits and veggies.
Alpha CRS + is the first of the supplements and is the one that helps promote cellular health and protects against free radicals in the body. + is the portion of the pack that helps promote cellular health and protect against free radicals in the body, which in turns helps our immune system protect against chronic illnesses and diseases like cancer and other autoimmune conditions.
xEO Essential Omega 3 is the second of the supplements in the LLV pack and is a beautiful blend that combines natural marine and plant-based omega 3 sources. Omega 3s are essential to help your body fight off inflammation, support healthy brain and nervous system function, promote healthy skin and hair, and support a healthy heart and joint function. Our bodies do not naturally make Omega 3s, which is why it is always important to include it in your daily schedule.
Microplex mVP is the third supplement in the LLV pack and is your multi-nutrient! Filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from fruits, veggies, and essential oils, this supplement will help provide you with some of the deficiencies you may be lacking in your modern-day diet. Plus, it includes veggies such as kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and more that we all want to make sure we get more of!
Overall, these three supplements are crucial to proactively caring for yourself and your health internally and externally. These three will give you the internal support you need to live a vital and healthy life.
4. Skin and Hair Systems: Did you know that a woman can put up to 515 chemicals on her body each day? That’s crazy, isn’t it? Well, when preparing to do a skin and hair essential oils class last year, it became apparent that women can easily expose themselves to chemicals each day through their hair, skin and makeup products. These chemicals are often the ones that can disrupt our hormone regulation, and thus impact our health in a negative way.
doTERRA has made it easier for women to reduce their toxic load through skin and hair systems like:
I personally use all of the above and have found my hair and skin to be the healthiest it’s ever been. My hair is softer and breaks less. My skin is smoother with less breakouts and I feel the difference when I’m NOT using these natural products on my skin.
5. SPA EXFOLIATING SCRUB AND BODY BUTTER: Of the doTERRA SPA products, the exfoliating body scrub and butter have to be two of my FAVORITES.
The exfoliating scrub includes a base of brown sugar and oils such as sunflower, sweet almond, and coconut oil with wild orange, grapefruit and ginger essential oils. Together this combo of oils and sugar removes dead skin cells through exfoliation, but moisturizes and hydrates at the same time.
The body butter also includes wild orange essential oil, but also douglas fir (for its purifying and uplifting aromatic benefits) and frankincense essential oil (for its rejuvenating effects on the skin and emotions). The butter’s base is shea butter, cocoa seed butter, jojoba seed oil and avocado oil – all amazing for moisturizing, hydrating, and softening the skin.
Together, the scrub and body butter will help you give your skin the self-care it needs and the pampering your body and mind deserve.
If so, I would love to support you in that!
Here are a few ways I can do that:
- HEALTH COACHING: If learning some practical ways to care for yourself and your health is something you want to do, I would love to support you through health coaching!
I offer 1:1 health coaching packages that range from 90-minute sessions to 3-month coaching packages. I also offer a group membership community program! If that is something you are interested in, feel free to check out my health coaching programs >>HERE<< and then book a call for us to talk about what it would be like to work together.
2. ESSENTIAL OILS CONSULTATION: If you are interested in trying essential oils, feel free to check out some of our online and offline classes by visiting my class page >>HERE<<. However, if you would like to talk 1:1, I would love to talk more with you about it! Feel free to find a time in my calendar to book a call >>HERE<<.
Take charge of your health today! Through applying these practical steps above and using essential oils as a natural solution for your health, you will begin to get the body you want naturally by taking care of yourself through informed self-care and pro-active medical care!
Leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions at all!
P.S. If you would like to learn a little more around the basics of what essential oils are, how they are effective, how to use them, and the basic ones to get started with, you can do so in the Essential Oils 101 webinar + series >>HERE<<.