7 Ways Whole30 Can Transform Your Physical Health
Whenever anyone asks me what they should do to change their eating habits and physical health, I always suggest the Whole30 program.Why?
Simply because it was through the Whole30 program I finally found peace with food and restoration in my physical health.
Yes, the Full Whole30 program asks you to eliminate certain foods like dairy, grains, legumes, and sugars, but rather than seeing it as another diet or deprivation, half way through my first time doing the Whole30 I began to see it as a program of empowerment and freedom.
You see, far too long had I struggled with the up-and-down weight gain and healthy habits, so when I did the Whole30 and was empowered to eat whole, real foods that were good for me and learned WHY they were, things shifted for me and I started to find a way of eating that worked for me and my body. I also was able to learn more about the impact stress, sleep, digestion, toxins, mindset, habits and other areas of your life can have on your eating and exercise habits.
So after I did my first Whole30 back in October 2014, I knew I had to share it as much as I could with others. I blogged about it, coached others through it at the beginning of my health coaching career, and still coach others through it.
Because I found freedom, hope, and restoration like I hadn’t ever found before the Whole30.
And I want every single man and woman to try the Whole30 at least once to experience the same when it comes to their relationship with food and their entire physical health journeys.
That is why I’ve put together a 6-week program, the Whole30 Made Easy, that I truly believe has the power to transform any one’s entire physical health and well-being.
During the Whole30 Made Easy Program, there are 7 different areas or ways we will work through to help you transform your physical health. These are:
At the base of any health program and your overall wellness, is what you eat. What you eat nourishes every part of your brain and body and is instrumental to you living a healthy and long life. However, often we fill ourselves with foods that we “think” are healthy because of what we have been told is healthy. But in actuality, most of these foods are causing us more harm than good and could be the reason you aren’t experiencing the health and results you desire.
During the Whole30 Made Easy Program, we will look into how you can shift what you eat, incorporate whole foods, take away processed and refined foods, all so that you can experience true health and results. We will also look at WHY certain foods are healthy for you and certain foods aren’t, to empower you to know how food actually affects you and your body.
We were made to move, but in today’s age it’s becoming increasingly easier NOT to move and it’s also becoming easier to just get overwhelmed with all of the possible diet strategies there are out there. However, in my experience, the best way to move forward and establish a consistent and sustainable exercise routine is to make it simple and do something you enjoy.
During the Whole30 Made Easy Program, we will look at simple strategies and exercises to help you develop a consistent and sustainable exercise routine that will not only give you the results you desire, but you will enjoy doing and want to keep doing.
Stress is something that impacts just about every part of your physical health, body, and life. The hormones (in particular Cortisol and Insulin) that get released when you are stressed can wreak havoc on your body and prevent you from reaching and maintaining your health goals and results.
However, through simple strategies like taking breaks, reflecting, meditation, and analyzing what you actually have control of, you will be able to manage your stress more effectively and live a peaceful, healthy life. These are the sort of stress management tools we will look at during the Whole30 Made Easy Program.
Lack of sleep is one of the main culprits for lack of results in our physical goals. When you sleep, your body restores itself and can function properly. When you don’t sleep, you make unhealthy choices in every area of your life. Sugar, caffeine, and processed foods easily become our foods of choice to give us that quick energy we need from lack of sleep.
However, during the Whole30 Made Easy Program, we will look at simple ways for you to start incorporating sleep more into your schedule, such as turning off electronics a certain time before bed or even diffusing some essential oils at night.
When it comes to your gut, about 60 to 80% of your immune system is in your gut. So what you eat affects how healthy your whole body is. What we eat can literally give us the energy we desire, the weight we long to be at and results in the gym. Yet, what we eat can also do the opposite and harm not only our energy levels but our gut, our mind, our weight and our entire bodies.
However, through simple ways like eating whole foods, cutting back on sugar, taking probiotics, and reducing the number of harmful substances we take internally, we can restore our digestive tract and give our body back the immune system it needs and deserves.
Digestion is near and dear to my heart as I used to struggle a lot with it before following a more Paleo and Whole30 approach to eating. That is why I knew I had to include a whole module on it during the Whole30 Made Easy Program because I know I’m not the only one that has or still struggles with digestive issues.
Toxins are silently taking away our health and vitality. What we smell and put IN and ON us has the power to either renew or tear down our health. In particular, toxins are found in just about everything these days – on and in our foods (such as pesticides and preservatives), in our cleaning products, in our personal hygiene products, exhaust from cars, etc. These toxins interrupt our hormones, cause skin issues, and can lead to more serious health concerns like cancer.
Even though it feels like we can’t escape toxins, there is something we can do – we can look at using more natural solutions like castile soap, vinegar, and even essential oils on our body, skin, hair, and what we smell.
Through the Whole30 Made Easy program, we will look at ways to reduce our toxic load by using more natural ways to care for your body, skin, hair, emotions and overall well-being using simple solutions like essential oils, natural soaps and cleaners, and more.
Our mindset and habits are two of the most important components of our success in just about anything, but especially in our health goals. Our beliefs and thoughts will always drive our behavior, so it’s important to analyze what beliefs, thoughts, and habits aren’t serving you and to change them.
In my personal experience, when I have made it a priority to create a mindset and habits that served me and get rid of the ones that didn’t, my mindset no longer held me back and I was able to start achieving goals in my physical health but also my vocational health (purpose and business).
On the Whole30 Made Easy Program, we will look at your thoughts, beliefs, and actions towards healthy eating and living and see which ones are serving you and which ones aren’t. We will then work on creating a new train of thinking and habits that help you reach your health goals and live the life you desire.
Furthermore, it’s also important to look at other areas of your health and life such as relationships, fun, and self-care as those areas are just as important to our holistic health and well-being.
Are you ready to take charge of your physical health and finally get the healthy body you need and deserve?
If so, I would LOVE to have you join us this September in the Whole30 Made Easy Program where for 6 weeks, you will get the support you need to transform your physical health for good.
You can learn more and join us by going >>HERE<<.
Let me know if you have any questions at all! Rooting for you 🙂
P.S. For more on the Whole30 Made Easy Program and a break down of each pillar of physical health we will be talking about, be sure to check out a playlist of short videos I did around the program below.
P.S. Want some recipes to get you started? Feel free to also check out my 5 Whole30 Recipes To Get You Started >>HERE<<.