Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is one of the most common, if not the most common essential oil out there and can be used for SO many great things.This past week, I went through the basics, science, sourcing, safety and uses of lavender essential oil on FB!
Below I’ve recapped what we went through via podcast, blog post and video!
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Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad of therapeutic benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for mummification, bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume; its ability to calm and soothe the mind and body continue to be Lavender’s most notable qualities.
Lavender is frequently used to soothe skin irritations and help skin recover quickly. Applying it to the back of the neck and temples helps reduce muscle tension.
Inhaling Lavender promotes relaxation and a restful night’s sleep, making it an ideal oil to diffuse at bedtime and when stress levels are high.
Due to its versatility and soothing properties, Lavender is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at all times.
Some of its benefits include:
• Soothes occasional skin irritations.
• Reduces the appearance of skin imperfections, burns, and scars.
• Helps to ease feelings of tension and anxious feelings.
• Promotes a restful sleep
When it comes to the science of lavender, we want to look at chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of the oil which will give us an insight as to why it is great for skin, calming, and so much more.
Chemical Constituents
Most of doTERRA’s Lavender consists of two main constituents – Linalool and Linalyl acetate.
- LINALOOL belongs to the Alcohol family which is known to have therapeutic properties such as being calming to the tissues, cleansing, supporting healthy immunity, restorative to the skin, sedative, gentle, mild and antimicrobial.
- LINALYL ACETATE belongs to the Esters family and is also very calming, relaxing, antifungal, antispasmodic, and balancing to the nervous system.
A great resource called SOURCE TO YOU by doTERRA is a place where you can go and learn about the chemical constituents and testing around each essential oil bottle doTERRA packages and distributes. Testing results for the lavender bottle I had showed no adulterations and that it contained Linalool of 36.11% and Linalyl acetate of 30.03%.
Check out the rest of the results >>HERE<<.
Therapeutic Properties
Because of LInalool and Linalyl and some of the other constituents in doTERRA’s lavender, some of it’s top therapeutic properties include:
- Sourcing
The majority of doTERRA’s lavender comes from Bulgaria (it used to come mainly from France). Due to the Black Sea climate zone around Bulgaria, Bulgaria has a great climate to produce some of the world’s best lavender.
It’s sunny and dry climate during harvest coupled with dry, well-drained, sandy soils are ideal for this aromatic plant.
For these reasons, doTERRA chose Eastern Bulgaria as the place to make reality a vision of creating a world-class production center for some of its most valued oils.
- Distillation and Extraction
Most of doTERRA’s essential oils are created in 2 ways – steam distilled OR cold pressed. Lavender comes from the flower portion of the plant and is steam distilled.
Steam distillation is conducted in a distillation still that uses water to remove the essential oil from the plant material. Heat is applied to the water, which produces steam. The steam rises and moves through a chamber holding the plant material. As the steam forces its way through the plant material, it ruptures small glands that hold the essential oil. The essential oil is then moved into the condensing tube where the liquid condenses and accumulates in the still.
After removal from the still, a mixture of essential oil and water will be present and the essential oil will float to the surface. The watery layer is called hydrosol and is often sold as floral water.
Learn more about the Sourcing and Steam Distillation process in the videos/posts below!
– Lavender Sourcing
– Steam Distillation
When it comes to the safety for lavender essential oil, most would say “when all else fails, use lavender!”
Lavender is probably one of the safest oils out there.
- WHO: It’s great for all ages, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and even dogs.
- APPLICATION: It is known as a “neat” oil and can go straight on to the skin for some, but just to be safe, I would dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil. You can use it AROMATICALLY, TOPICALLY, and INTERNALLY (but avoid internally for children).
Like most essential oils, try to avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
- DOSAGE: It depends. There is technically no MAX amount, but you want to be careful not to take TOO much internally – it’s only recommended to take 25 drops internally a day.
- SHELF LIFE: Typical shelf life is roughly 4 years as well! You can look at the bottom of your doTERRA lavender bottle for an expiration date.
- SAFETY PRECAUTION: However, be sure to keep OUT of the reach of children because even though it’s safe, we want to be careful they don’t OVEREXPOSE themselves to it. Also, if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care, feel free to consult with them if you’re concerned.
Note – this information is just based on my understanding and is just for doTERRA’s Lavender – you will need to do your research around other lavenders.
Lavender has so many AMAZING uses and can be used in so many ways.
Here are a few ways shared in the Essential Life Book!
– SLEEP ISSUES: Apply under the nose, to bottoms of feet or diffuse to promote better sleep.
– STRESS, ANXIETY, & TEETH GRINDING: Apply over the heart, on back of the neck, or inhale from cupped hands.
-SUNBURNS, BURNS, AND SCARS: Apply to area of concern to soothe, heal and reduce scarring.
– ALLERGIES AND HAY FEVER: Apply to area of concern to soothe, heal and reduce scarring.
– COLIC AND UPSET BABY: Massage diluted along spine, abdomen or bottoms of feet to calm.
-CUTS, WOUNDS & BLISTERS: Apply on site to cleanse, heal, and limit or avoid scarring.
– BUG BITES & HIVES: Apply on site to soothe as a natural antihistamine.
– NOSEBLEEDS & PINK EYE: Apply across the bridge of the nose or around the eye.
– HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Use on pulse points and over the heart or take in a capsule.
– MIGRAINES & HEADACHES: Inhale and apply to temples and back of the neck.
– EMOTIONAL BALANCE: Use aromatically and topically to get from Unheard to Expressed
Lavender also blends well with Clary Sage, Frankincense, Manuka, Tangerine and Wild Orange!
It can be found in the following doTERRA blends: Past Tense (Tension Blend), Serenity (Restful Blend), Clary Calm (Women’s Monthly Blend), Immortelle (Anti-Aging Blend), and Aromatouch (Massage Blend).
I though in addition to talking about the basics, science, sourcing, safety, and uses of essential oils, I would also do a section on the emotional aspect of each oil!
This is taken from the “Emotions & Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing” Guide – 4th Edition.
(Lavender is also known as the “Oil of Communication”)
Lavender aids verbal expression. It calms the insecurities that are felt when one risks their true thoughts and feelings. Lavender addresses a deep fear of being seen and heard. Individuals in need of Lavender hid within, blocking all forms of true self-expression. While they may even be going through the motions of outward expression, they’re actually holding back their innermost thoughts and feelings. The expression is not connected to the heart or soul.
Lavender supports individuals in releasing the tension and constriction that stems from fear of expression one’s Self. Due to the past experiences, they may believe it is not safe to express themselves. The True Self is therefore trapped within and goes unexpressed. Strong feelings of being unlovable, unimportant, or unheard can accompany this condition. The individual’s fear of rejection paralyzes their true voice and traps their feelings inside.
Lavender encourages emotional honest and insists that one speak their innermost thoughts and desires. As individuals learn to communicate their deepest thoughts and feelings, they are liberated from their self-inflicted prison. It is through open and honest communication that an individual experiences unconditional love and acceptance. Through Lavender’s courageous spirit, one is free to share their True Self with others.
Negative Emotions: Blocked communication, fear of rejection, feeling unseen or unheard, constricted, tension, emotional dishonest, hiding, fear of self-disclosure.
Positive Properties: Open communication, relaxed, expressive emotional honesty, heard.
Many people have shared with me how lavender has helped them in a few ways:
1. Soothed their head tension
2. Relaxed their anxious mind
3. Soothed and reduced scarring and skin scarring from burns (including sunburns and cooking burns)
4. Provided a much-needed relief from their daughter’s allergies and congestion
5. Provided a natural alternative to scented bath bombs and candles
And so many more!
If you would like to learn more about doTERRA essential oils, check out an Essential Oils 101 Webinar I put together >>HERE<<.
Furthermore, if you know you would like to get started in using essential oils OR even sharing about them with others, book a Complimentary Essential Oils Consultation >>HERE<< and let’s talk about what oils would work best for you and your health and life goals!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.