Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Essential Oil

Melaleuca is one of the most common, if not the most common essential oil out there and can be used for SO many great things.

This past week, I went through the basics, science, sourcing, safety and uses of melaleuca essential oil on FB!

Below I’ve recapped what we went through!

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More commonly known as “Tea Tree”, Melaleuca Essential Oil has over 92 different compounds and limitless applications.

The leaves of the Melaleuca tree were used by the Aborigines of Australia for centuries. They would crush the leaves and inhale the oil to promote clear breathing and apply the leaves directly to the skin to help with recovery.

Here are a few things Melaleuca is known for: 

  1. Melaleuca is best known for its purifying properties. It can be used to cleanse and purify the skin and nails and to promote a clear, healthy complexion.
  2. Taken internally, Melaleuca enhances immunity when seasonal threats are high, and it can be used on surfaces throughout the home to protect against environmental threats.
  3. Melaleuca is frequently used on minor skin irritations to soothe the skin and help it recover quickly.
  4. Diffusing Melaleuca will also help purify and freshen the air.


When it comes to the science of melaleuca, we want to look at chemical constituents and therapeutic properties of the oil which will give us an insight as to why it is great for skin, calming, and so much more.

Chemical Constituents

The main constituents of doTERRA’s Melaleuca is a-terpinenes, y-terpinenes, terpinene-4-ol and p-cymene.

From the Melaleuca bottle I have, I was able to look up the chemical constituents and see that terpinene-4-oil is 43.15% of the total constituents within the particular Melaleuca bottle I have.

Terpinene-4-oil seems to be the reason that the wood of the Melaleuca tree is very resistant to rotting and molding. You see, given the hot climates of Australia where this oil comes from, in order for the Melaleuca tree to survive and reproduce, the tree itself must be resistant to fungus and bacteria. The essential oil in the tree helps to make the tree resistant because of Terpinene-4-ol because of it’s antibacterial and antifungal effects.

This makes the Melaleuca oil belong to the Alcohols family, which is known for it’s cleansing properties which helps eliminate environmental threats and supports immunity. Also calming to the tissues and skin!

How cool is it that we get to experience this essential oil and build up our immunity the same way the tree does? So good!

To learn more about the chemical constituents, go here:

Therapeutic Properties

Furthermore, the chemical constituents of Melaleuca give the essential oil antibacterial, natural cleansing, purifying, and germ-destroying properties.



doTERRA’s Melaleuca comes from Australia, where the plant itself is indigenous. More commonly known as “Tea Tree”, Melaleuca Essential Oil has over 92 different compounds and limitless applications.

The leaves of the Melaleuca tree were used by the Aborigines of Australia for centuries. They would crush the leaves and inhale the oil to promote clear breathing and apply the leaves directly to the skin to help with recovery.


In regards to creation and extraction, Melaleuca essential oil comes from the leaves of the plant and is steam distilled to release the essential oil from the leaves and capture the oil.
When they are done with the Melaleuca leaves after it’s done distilling, they cool it down and put it back on the farming grounds to further fertilize and give the ground nutrients to produce the same quality of Melaleuca essential oil.

Learn more about the Sourcing and Steam Distillation process in the videos/posts below!

Melaleuca Sourcing 
– Steam Distillation


When it comes to the safety for melaleuca essential oil, it is also pretty safe like lavender.

Check out some more details on the safety below:

  • WHO: It’s great for all ages, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and even dogs.
  • APPLICATION: It is known as a “neat” oil and can go straight on to the skin for some, but just to be safe, I would dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil. You can use it AROMATICALLY, TOPICALLY, and INTERNALLY (but avoid internally for children). Like most essential oils, try to avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
  • DOSAGE: It depends. There is technically no MAX amount, but you want to be careful not to take TOO much internally – it’s only recommended to take 25 drops internally a day.
  • SHELF LIFE: Typical shelf life is roughly 2-4 years as well! You can look at the bottom of your doTERRA melaleuca bottle for an expiration date.
  • SAFETY PRECAUTION: However, be sure to keep OUT of the reach of children because even though it’s safe, we want to be careful they don’t OVEREXPOSE themselves to it. Also, if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care, feel free to consult with them if you’re concerned.
  • Note – this information is just based on my understanding and is just for doTERRA’s Melaleuca – you will need to do your research around other lavenders.


Melaleuca is SUCH a great oil for SO many things!
Here are some of its top uses:
CUTS & SCRAPES: Apply to clean and disinfect wounds.
IRRITATED OR ITCHY FEET: Take in a capsule or dilute and apply to affected area.
IRRITATED THROAT & inflammed TONSILS: Take in a capsule or gargle with warm water.
DANDRUFF, SCABIES, LICE: Apply to the affected area or add to your shampoo, lather and soak.
EAR DISCOMFORT: Apply behind and around the ear.
SHOCK: Apply under the nose or along the spine.
SKIN BLEMISH OR IMPERFECTION: Take in a capsule or apply on or around the affected area.
SEASONAL ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS, COUGH, BAD BUG: Use in a capsule, rub on throat or diffuse.
SKIN IRRITATIONS & ITCHY EYES: Take in a capsule or apply to affected area or bottoms of feet.
CAVITIES & GUM DISEASE: Use in a capsule or on the affected area.
EMOTIONAL BALANCE: Use aromatically and use topically to go from UNSURE to COLLECTED.

Melaleuca also blends well with Cypress, Lavender, Litsea, Siberian Fir and Thyme essential oils!

It can be found in the following doTERRA blends: Breathe (Respiratory Blend) and Purify (Cleansing Blend).


I though in addition to talking about the basics, science, sourcing, safety, testimonies and uses of essential oils, I would also do a section on the emotional aspect of each oil!

This is taken from the “Emotions & Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing” Guide – 4th Edition.

(Melaleuca is also known as the “Oil of Energetic Boundaries)


Disinfectant by nature, Meleauca, also known as tea tree oil, clears negative energetic baggage. It specifically releases codependent and parasitic relationships. These relationships may be with people, microorganisms in the physical body, or spiritual beings. The individual may feel drained of life force and energy, but they may not be consciously aware of the source of this energy leakage. Melaleuca helps break the negative ties in these kinds of relationships so that new, healthy connections may be formed that honor one’s personal space and boundaries. This energetic “vampirism” between organisms violates the laws of nature. Melaleuca encourages an individual to connect to people and beings in ways that honor and respect others’ agency. It helps the individual to recognize the parts of themselves that invited and allowed these kinds of relationships to exist in the first place.
Through these empowering processes, Melaleuca encourages an individual to relinquish all forms of self-betrayal, including allowing others to take advantage of one’s time, energy or talents; letting others feed on one’s energy; not standing up for oneself, or feeling responsible for the problems of others. Melaleuca assists individuals in purification practices and in releasing toxic debris.


Negative Emotions: Parasitic and codependent relationships, poor boundaries, weak-willed, toxicity
Positive Properties: Energetic boundaries, respectful connections, empowered, resilient, honoring others agency.


Here are a few ways Melaleuca has helped both myself and others:

1. Disinfect and clean the bathroom, gym bag, laundry
2. Disinfect wounds
3. Helped soothe irritation from canker sores
4. Reduced appearance of scarring using lavender, melaleuca, and/or frankincense with coconut oil
5. Provided itching relief from bug bites

And so many more!


If you would like to learn more about doTERRA essential oils, check out my Essential Oils 101 Webinar I put together >>HERE<<.

Furthermore, if you know you would like to get started in using essential oils OR even sharing about them with others, book a Complimentary Essential Oils Consultation >>HERE<< and let’s talk about what oils would work best for you and your health and life goals!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

By Brianna Wilkerson

Brianna Wilkerson is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, Essential Oils Advocate with doTERRA, podcast host, wife and momma, matcha tea lover, and at-home crossfitter. She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use natural essential oil-based products so they can feel better, have more energy, and take care of themselves and those they love. You’ll leave sessions with her feeling supported and empowered to make simple health changes that fit into your life, and use essential oils as natural solutions for your health, home, and family. You can find Brianna hanging out in the Made Well Women's Health Community and on her Instagram!