Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint is one of the most common, if not the most common essential oil out there and can be used for SO many great things.This past week, I went through the basics, science, sourcing, safety and uses of peppermint essential oil in the doTERRA Essential Oil Education group on FB!
Below I’ve recapped what we went through!
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The peppermint plant is actually a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. A high menthol content — like that found in this Peppermint Essential Oil — distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products.
Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health, Peppermint also helps to alleviate stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function.
Did you know that ONE DROP of our Peppermint Oil is EQUAL to 28 CUPS of Peppermint Tea? It’s that powerful!
A few benefits of peppermint essential oil are:
• Promotes digestive health.
• Helps reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion.
• Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.
• Repels bugs naturally
• Relieves feelings of neck or head tension
• Provides a non-stimulant pick-me-up
Peppermint is another fairly common oil that many use to soothe head tension and stomach aches, provide a boost of energy and relieve respiratory issues such as trouble breathing.
The main constituents of doTERRA’s peppermint is MENTHOL and MENTHONE
From the Peppermint bottle I have, I was able to look up the chemical constituents and see that Menthol is 45.92% and Menthone is the second highest at 20.82%
Menthol has a monoterpene backbone with an alcohol functional group. Like most essential oil constituents, Menthol can pass through the plasma membrane or lipid bilayer and impact our cells. However, menthol is one of the constituents that actually can impact our ion channels and cells which are responsible for nerve impulse and muscle contraction, among many other functions.
Some of the benefits of MENTHOL include:
– Support healthy functioning of sodium channels and quickly impact the central nervous system
– Relax smooth muscle tissue, including muscles that line the colon due to its ability to keep calcium channels working optimally
– Activites the Transient Receptor Potential Channels (TRP) creating an influx of positively charged ions, creating a cold cooling sensation and temperature
– Supports the functioning of the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Receptors (GABA), one of the brain’s chemical neurotransmitters.
All this to say, Peppermint is a GREAT oil for a lot of things but is one that you always want to use diluted and in small quantities
Furthermore, the chemical constituents of Peppermint give the essential oil the following properties:
– Anti-inflammatory
– Analgesic
– Antispasmodic
– Warming
– Invigorating
– Cooling
– Expectorant
– Vasoconstrictor
doTERRA’s peppermint essential oil is sourced from Washington State from local peppermint farmers. The Pacific Northwest is for peppermint because of the high amounts of rainfall they have each year. This gives the peppermint a high menthol content, which gives it its sweet, minty aroma and flavor.
The area is also highly conducive to growing roman chamomile, a plant that can be difficult to cultivate given its sensitivity to fluctuations in weather conditions
In regards to creation and extraction, Peppermint essential oil is created by wind blowing the peppermint leaves, allowing them to dry, and then collecting them into a tub. The tub is then attached to a steamer where high pressured steam goes in and explodes the oil gland and collects it. The remaining parts of the plants are poured back on to the ground for nutrients.
Learn more about the Sourcing and Steam Distillation process in the videos/posts below!
– Peppermint Sourcing
– Steam Distillation
When it comes to the safety of peppermint essential oil, there has been conflicting advice in my opinion.
Some say not to use it on children under the age of 6 through an application method, some say it’s safe aromatically and topically (when diluted).
So I’m going to present both and then share my heart behind it, and more about doTERRA’s peppermint.
WHO: Some say to avoid it with kids under the age of 6. This is because of the menthol in the peppermint can mimic cold receptors in the lungs. Thus, it’s recommended to maybe avoid using it on their chest especially.
But then some other safety guidelines say it can be used aromatically or topically, but diluted.
However, many of the individuals I’ve talked to who use doTERRA and have children have said there have been no issues with using the oil aromatically or topically with their children.
Therefore, I do think that 1) every parent should look into the oils they are using around children to learn about the safety and quality and 2) use their own personal discretion.
PREGNANT WOMEN/BREAST-FEEDING: General safe for pregnant women but it may cause reduction of milk supply for some women breastfeeding.
APPLICATION: doTERRA’s peppermint can be used in all 3 ways – aromatically, topically and internally – with the proper quantity and dilution. I would recommend always diluting it when putting it on the skin – it’s a very tingly oil.
Like most essential oils, try to avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Peppermint’s aroma is SUPER strong – so you want to only use a little (1-2 drops).
But when it comes to using it in all 3 ways, always let the person sharing with you what your health concerns are to see if peppermint is a good fit or not.
DOSAGE: It depends. 5.4% due to its high menthofuran and pulegone content. Meaning that 1 drop of EO to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil, is 1%. 2 drops to 1 teaspon is 2%. etc 🙂
SHELF LIFE: Typical shelf life is roughly 4 years as well! You can look at the bottom of your doTERRA melaleuca bottle for an expiration date.
SAFETY PRECAUTION: Here are some of doTERRA’s general guidelines around the safety of oils like peppermint:
– Keep in mind safe amount-per-day guidelines (Recommended Ideal Amounts).
– Avoid direct oil administration into the nose and ears, and around the eyes.
– When applying oils topically, consider dilution to avoid excessive flash-off. It is a good practice to use with heavier dilutions for younger or smaller children and those with sensitive skin.
– Keep your essential oils stored out of reach of little children to prevent accidental ingestion.
– Storage should also be away from excessive heat and light, as these can change the properties of the oils dramatically.
– Teach your older children to ask for help with application and ask your teens to be role models to the younger ones for proper essential oil usage.
Learn more about the safety of the oil >>HERE<<
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”
Peppermint can be used for so many great things!
Here are some of its top uses:
– HEAD AND NECK TENSION: Apply to temples, above ears, and back of neck
– BAD BREATH & HANGOVER: Gargle and drop with water
– DIFFICULTY BREATHING & SEASONAL THREATS: Apply to chest and back or bottoms of feet
– DECREASE MILK SUPPLY: Apply diluted to breasts, take in a capsule or in water
– LOSE OF SENSE OF SMELL: Inhale or apply diluted over bridge of nose
– STOMACH INFLAMMATION & DIGESTIVE DISCOMFORT: Take in a capsule, in water, or to apply over abdomen
– ALERTNESS & ENERGY: Inhale or apply under nose or back of neck
– INCREASED BODY TEMPERATURE & HOT FLASHES: Apply on back of neck, spine, or bottoms of feet for cooling effect
– CRAVINGS: Inhale or apply to back of neck, spine or bottoms of feet
– MUSCLE STIFFNESS & TENSION: Apply directly to stiff, tense, or exhausted muscles or apply pre-workout to avoid stiffness
– SEASONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS, UNWANTED PATHOGENS, GERMS: Take in a capsule, in water, apply under nose or bottoms of feet
Peppermint is also found in:
– Past Tense (Tension Blend)
– Slim and Sassy (Metabolic Blend)
– Digest Zen (Digestion Blend)
– Aromatouch (Massage Blend)
– Breathe (Respiratory Blend)
It blends well with Grapefruit, Tangerine and Wild Orange (love inhaling a drop of peppermint and wild orange as an afternoon pick me up or before the gym).
So many great uses!
I though in addition to talking about the basics, science, sourcing, safety, testimonies and uses of essential oils, I would also do a section on the emotional aspect of each oil!
This is taken from the “Emotions & Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing” Guide – 4th Edition.
Peppermint brings joy and buoyancy to the heart and soul. It invigorates body, mind and spirit and reminds individuals that life can be happy and there is nothing to fear. It lifts an individual out of their emotional trials for a short reprieve. When an individual uses Peppermint, they feel as though they’re gliding through life. It assists in staying on the surface of emotional issues like a water skier on a lake.
The power of Peppermint can be felt most in times of discouragement or depression. When the individual is disheartened, they may use Peppermint to re-discover the joy of being alive.
However, a person may also abuse the properties of Peppermint oil. If it is used as a permanent escape to avoid dealing with emotional pain, it can hinder growth and progress. Peppermint should not be used in this way. It aids individuals who need a short “breather.” At times, a reprieve is necessary before re-entering emotional waters, but we are not meant to wade in the shallow end forever. When it is accepted and embraced, emotional pain serves as a teacher. Peppermint can assist an individual in regaining the strength needed to face their emotional reality.
Negative Emotions: Unbearable pain, intense depression, heaviness, pessimistic, muddled.
Positive Properties: Buoyant, optimistic, clear, relieved, renewed, strength to face emotional pain.
Here are a few ways Peppermint has helped both myself and others:
1. Soothed intense head and neck tension
2. Soothed upset stomachs
3. Provided a boost of energy pre-workout and cooling down effect post-workout
4. Coupled with lavender and lemon, makes for a great relief to allergies
5. Great to use in DIY personal care products like soaps and body scrubs
And so many more!
If you would like to learn more about doTERRA essential oils, check out my Essential Oils 101 Webinar I put together >>HERE<<.
Furthermore, if you know you would like to get started in using essential oils OR even sharing about them with others, book a Complimentary Essential Oils Consultation >>HERE<< and let’s talk about what oils would work best for you and your health and life goals!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.