Oregano Essential Oil
Oregano Essential Oil is definitely one that you want in on hand to protect and boost your immune system in a very real way!Last year as part of the Continuing Education series I’m doing on doTERRA’s essential oils in the Healthy and Thriving Women and my team’s private Facebook group, I went through the basics, science, sourcing, safety, uses, and emotions, and testimonies of Oregano essential oil on Facebook!
Below I’ve recapped what we went through via podcast, video or blog post!
Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful Essential Oils and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its cleansing and immune-boosting properties.
The primary chemical components of Oregano are carvacrol and thymol, both in the phenols group, which possess purifying and antioxidant properties.
Due to its high phenol content, caution should be taken when inhaling or diffusing Oregano; only one to two drops is needed.
Additionally, it should be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil when applied to the skin.
Oregano Essential Oil contains phenols—powerful antioxidants that ward off free radicals. One drop taken daily can help maintain healthy immune function;
Oregano should be taken more frequently when seasonal threats are high or as needed to further boost immunity.
In addition to being a popular cooking spice, Oregano supports healthy digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices.
When diffused, Oregano acts as an enhancer and equalizer in Essential Oil blends and can help maintain healthy respiratory function.
• It is an excellent source of antioxidants.
• Supports healthy digestion.
• Supports healthy respiratory function.
• May help to support a healthy immune system.
• Used as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent
• Put two to three drops in veggie capsule to help maintain a healthy immune system.*
• Add 10 drops to a spray bottle full of water for a last-minute counter spray.
• Add one drop in place of one tablespoon ground oregano to your favorite Italian dishes.
Oregano is one of the most potent and powerful Essential Oils and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its cleansing and immune-boosting properties.
Check out why below!
The primary chemical constituents of Oregano are carvacrol and thymol, both in the phenols group, which possess purifying and antioxidant properties.
Phenols are very active and stimulation and are an excellent choice when you want to nip an aggressive infection in the bud!
Carvacrol is a chemical that contains warming properties. Carvacrol, along with thymol, another main chemical constituent in Oregano oil, possess cleansing and antioxidant properties.The cleansing properties of these two chemicals make Oregano a great essential oil for cleaning. The antioxidant properties contribute heavily to the rich source of antioxidants provided from Oregano essential oil.
I personally love using Oregano when I’m feeling under the weather. It always helps me to feel better, quicker!
Also, because of it’s HIGH phenol content, you only need to use 1 or 2 drops per time, and always dilute in water/coconut oil OR take in a capsule.
Also when using it, use it in glass or stainless steel as it can break down plastic!
Learn more about Oregano essential oil here: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/spotlight-oregano-oil
Furthermore, the chemical constituents of Oregano give the essential oil the following properties:
– Antiinflammatory
– Purifying
– Calms Muscles
– Fights against unwanted bacteria or pathogens
– Purifying, germ-destroying, or naturally cleansing
– Relieve discomfort with joint or muscle aches.
– Relieves stomach discomfort caused by gas
Here’s a bit about where doTERRA’s Oregano comes from and how it’s created!
As far as I know, this beautiful oil comes from Turkey!
The oregano plant, Origanum vulgare, is a bushy perennial that is part of the Lamiaceae family. The leaves of the plant are fragrant and are characterized by their rounded to ovate shape. This plant also produces tiny, pinkish-purple or white flowers. The oregano plant grows best in dry to medium moisture and well-drained soils. It thrives in full sun. doTERRA Oregano essential oil is extracted from the leaves of this plant.
Most of doTERRA’s essential oils are created in 2 ways – steam distilled OR cold pressed. Oregano comes from the leaves of the plant and is steam distilled.
Steam distillation is conducted in a distillation still that uses water to remove the essential oil from the plant material. Heat is applied to the water, which produces steam. The steam rises and moves through a chamber holding the plant material. As the steam forces its way through the plant material, it ruptures small glands that hold the essential oil. The essential oil is then moved into the condensing tube where the liquid condenses and accumulates in the still.
After removal from the still, a mixture of essential oil and water will be present and the essential oil will float to the surface. The watery layer is called hydrosol and is often sold as floral water.
Learn more about the Sourcing and Steam Distillation process in the blog post below:
– Steam Distillation: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/essential-oil-production-distillation-steam-distillation
Oregano is an amazing oil, but one you want to make sure to use correctly 🙂
Because of the spice oils and their high phenol and carvacrol content that our skin can be sensitive too, it’s important to use this one safely.
APPLICATION: This blend can be used aromatically and topically for most ages and demographics. This oil is powerful, so you only really need one or two drops each time! When using topically, be sure to DILUTE it with coconut oil such as fractionated coconut oil.
Like most essential oils, try to avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
SAFETY PRECAUTION: However, be sure to keep OUT of the reach of children because even though it’s safe, we want to be careful they don’t OVEREXPOSE themselves to it. Also, if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care, feel free to consult with them if you’re concerned.
Note – this information is just based on my understanding and is just for doTERRA’s Oregano – you will need to do your research on other Oregano essential oils.
Oregano has SO many great uses.
Here are some of its top uses:
– UNWANTED BACTERIA OR PATHOGENS: Apply diluted to the affected area or take in a capsule
– SKIN & MOUTH IMPERFECTIONS, CALLUSES: Apply diluted with fractionated coconut oil and frankincense directly to affected areas
– DIFFICULTY BREATHING: Apply diluted or neat to bottoms of feet
– BOOST PROGESTERONE: Take in a capsule
– STINKY FEET/UNWANTED BACTERIA: Apply diluted to area of concern and/or take in a capsule
– JOINT OR MUSCLE SORENESS: Take in a capsule
– EMOTIONAL BALANCE: Use aromatically and topically to get from Obstinate to Unattached
Also found in doTERRA’s On Guard (Protective Blend) softgels.
Blends with Basil, Clove, and Thyme.
Always be sure to DILUTE this oil with coconut oil when applying it topically.
Such a great oil to be used in so many different ways!
I though in addition to talking about the basics, science, sourcing, safety, and uses of essential oils, I would also do a section on the emotional aspect of each oil!
This is taken from the “Emotions & Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing” Guide – 4th Edition.
(Oregano is known as the “Oil of Humility and Non-attachment”
“Oregano cuts through the fluff of life and teaches individuals to do the same. It removes blocks, clears negativity and cuts away negative attachments. Oregano is a powerful oil and may even be described as forceful or intensive.
Oregano addresses a person’s need to be “right.” The individual in need of Oregano may attempt to convert other people to their own fixed opinions. THeir strong will can make them unteachable and unwilling to budge. They hold rigidly to their opinions and belief systems. However, Oregano is resolute and has the power to break through a strong will.
On the deepest level, Oregano dispels materialism and attachment that hinders an individual’s growth and progress. While using Oregano, a person may feel encouraged to end a toxic relationship, quit an oppressive job, or en da lifelong addiction. These toxic attachments limit one’s capacity to feel a healthy connection to the Divine. Oregano encourages true spirituality by inviting the soul to live in non-attachment. It teaches that devotion to one’s Higher Power includes letting go of rigidity, willfulness, negative attachments and materialism.
Negative Emotions: Overly attached, pride, opinionated, negative, excessively willful, materialistic.
Positive Emotions: Humility, non-attachment, teachable, flexible, willigness to be wrong, devoted.
Here are a few ways Oregano has helped both myself and others:
1. Helped to combat bad cases of congestion and colds and cut down the time I struggled with it in half
2. Helped to combat some fungal cases such as Athlete’s Foot
And SO many more testimonies!
If you would like to learn more about doTERRA essential oils, check out an Essential Oils 101 Webinar I put together >>HERE<<.
Furthermore, if you know you would like to get started in using essential oils OR even sharing about them with others, book a Complimentary Essential Oils Consultation >>HERE<< and let’s talk about what oils would work best for you and your health and life goals!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.