Aromatouch (Massage Blend) Essential Oil
Aromatouch (Massage Blend) is a great essential oil to use during massages, release tension and increase circulation, as well as calm the mind, body and soul.
In this blog post, you will learn more about the basics, science, sourcing, safety, uses, and emotions, and testimonies of Aromatouch essential oil.
AND! If you are looking for support in understanding how to use essential oils or even how to get started on your own, be sure to join my Made Well doTERRA Essential Oils Community on Facebook where you can get the support you need!
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Not only is massage well known for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, but massage is increasingly being incorporated into pain management programs of hospitals and health care organizations.
Some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
• Anxiety
• Digestive disorders
• Fibromyalgia
• Headaches
• Insomnia related to stress
• Myofascial pain syndrome
• Soft tissue strains or injuries
• Sports injuries
Using the MASSAGE BLEND, you can feel the surprising benefits of massage, from boosting immunity, improving sleep, to profound whole body wellness, with just a touch.
doTERRA’s proprietary MASSAGE BLEND combines the unique benefits of oils known to provide relaxing and comforting effects—Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit, and Lavender—in a perfect blend that adds many important benefits to various massage techniques.
• Comforting and relaxing effects.
• Helps to lessen tension.
• Adds an aromatic experience to a soothing massage.
• Apply to neck and shoulders to promote feelings of relaxation and lessen tension, or use with a carrier oil for massage.
• Give your loved one a hand massage using the Massage Blend.
• Add to Epsom salts and enjoy soaking in a hot bath.
TOPICAL USE: Apply one to two drops to
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying
Aromatouch (Massage Blend) is a beautiful blend of Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit, and Lavender.
Because Aromatouch is a blend, each one of oils in the blend contains their own chemical constituent. But today, we will look at Basil’s Chemical Constituents since it’s one of the top oils in Aromatouch!
One of Basil’s most prominent chemical components is linalool. Linalool is a natural chemical found in a variety of plants and flowers. High linalool content in both plants and flowers has the unique ability to help relax the mind and body, especially when concentrated into an essential oil. The linalool found in the basil plant and Basil essential oil is known for its ability to reduce feelings of tension and sadness when ingested.
Scientists in Mexico City recently found that linalool affects the monoaminergic system of the brain, which includes such familiar neurotransmitters as serotonin and dopamine, and the adrenaline/noradrenaline adrenergic system.
Linalool is extremely effective on these neurotransmitters because it acts on multiple receptors in this monoaminergic system. When substances like linalool target multiple receptors, they are more potent and longer lasting than molecules that only target one receptor.
Because linalool supports brain chemistry balance in these receptors, it reduces sad feelings. The high linalool content in basil plants and Basil oil provides a great natural solution for balancing mood and reducing sad moods
doTERRA’s Basil Spotlight at
Furthermore, the chemical constituents of Aromatouch’s Oils give the essential oil the following properties:
– Stimulant
– Purifying, germ destroying, or naturally cleansing
– Antibacterial
– Helps promote healthy joint and muscle function
– Sedative
– Relaxant
– Regenerative
– Cytophylactic
– Antinflammatory
– Reduces pain or discomfort
– Antitoxic
– Hypotensive
– Invigorating
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”
Here’s a bit about where some of the oils that make doTERRA’s Aromatouch comes from and how it’s created!
– CYPRESS: Greece
– BASIL: USA/ Egypt
– LAVENDER: Bulgaria
– MARJORAM: Hungary
– PEPPERMINT: Washington
Here’s a little bit from doTERRA on Basil:
Basil leaves are popularly used in cooking around the
world, and have a prominent place in South Asian, African, and Mediterranean food. Basil adds a fresh,herb flavor to meats, pasta, soups, and other entrées. However, in addition to the pleasing taste of basil, this plant offers many benefits to the mind and body. Basil essential oil is highly valued for its soothing effects and its ability to ease stress and tension.There are over 150 varieties of basil grown around the world, including purple basil, Thai basil, globe basil, lemon basil, and many more. doTERRA Basil essential oil is distilled from the fragrant leaves of the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). Sweet basil has a pleasing flavor and aroma highly valued in Italian cooking. doTERRA Basil is sourced in Egypt from plants grown during the winter months
doTERRA Discover Solutions at
Below are some thoughts to consider around safety for aromatouch!
Aromatouch is an amazing oil for all ages.
WHO: It’s great for all ages, but always see your doctor if you are concerned.
APPLICATION: Aromatouch is a great oil to use topically and aromatically.
Like most essential oils, try to avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
DOSAGE: It depends.
Here are some recommended dilution guidelines (Age and Dosage Amount):
– Up to 3 Months: 1 Drop in 1 Tablespoon Carrier Oil
– Up to 24 Months: 3 Drops in 1 Tablespoon Carrier Oil
– 2-6 Years: 5 Drops in 1 Tablespoon Carrier Oil
– 6-15 Years: 1 Drop in 1 Teaspoon Carrier Oil
– 15 + Years: 5 Drops in 1 Teaspoon Carrier Oil
SHELF LIFE: Typical shelf life is roughly 4-5 years as well! You can look at the bottom of your doTERRA Aromatouch bottle for the expiration date.
SAFETY PRECAUTION: However, be sure to keep OUT of the reach of children because even though it’s safe, we want to be careful they don’t OVEREXPOSE themselves to it. Also, if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care, feel free to consult with them if you’re concerned.
Because of the grapefruit, do not apply directly to skin then go into intense sunlight for up to 12 hours.
Note – this information is just based on my understanding and is just for doTERRA’s Aromatouch- you will need to do your research on other essential oils like this.
Aromatouch can be used in SO many ways!
Here are some of its top uses:
-Muscles, Aches and joint or muscle discomfort: Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern
– Head or neck tension, Neck & Back Pain: Apply 1-2 drops to the neck, shoulders, and along the spine
– Neuropathy & Restless Leg Syndrome: Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern to stimulate the nerves and circulation
– Connective Tissue & Ligament Support: Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern
– Lymphatic Support: Apply 1-2 drops to the bottom of the feet
– H
– Poor Circulation & Cold Extremities: Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern
– Muscle Tension, Soreness and Cramps: Apply 1-2 drops to the area of concern
As a reminder, this oil contains Lavender, Cypress, Basil, Peppermint, Marjoram
As you can see from the practical uses of Aromatouch it’s an oil that can help with motion and flow – both physically and emotionally.
This is taken from the “Emotions & Essential Oils: A Reference Guide for Emotional Healing”:
“Massage Blend assists the body in calming, relaxing and releasing physical tension. On an emotional level, Massage Blend moves an individual from the stiffness of heart and mind to openness and flexibility. This Blend is soothing to both body and mind and offers comfort in times of grief and sorrow.
Most people seek out massages when they are tense or stressed. Through bodywork and massage, the individual is able to relax their tight muscles. Breathing may begin to regulate, slow and deepen. As an individual’s body relaxes, so does their mind. As the muscles release tension, the heart can reopen to life. Circulation is enhanced, as is their ability to move with life and allow things to flow. This is the gift of the Massage Blend – the ability to relax, open and move in harmony once more with the body and with existence.
Ingredients: Basil, Grapefruit, Cypress,
Majoram and other essential oilsNegative Emotions: Tense, stiffness in body or mind, stressed, unable to relax
Positive Emotions: Relaxed, harmonious, flexible,
openness of heart and mind, comforted
I personally can attest to this amazing oil! I love using this oil for professional massages, neck massages and tight calves.
Every time I use this oil, whether in a professional massage or my own, I always end up mentally and physically relaxed and calmer.
Definitely, one you want to have around!
In addition to the Made Well doTERRA Essential Oils Community, be sure to also take advantage of my Free Resource Library that has a few essential oils trainings as well as apply for a Complimentary Essential Oils Consultation so we can about what oils would work best for you and how you can get started!
Links mentioned here:
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.