Developing the Right Type of Motivation for Your Eating and Exercise Habits
Welcome to the one-hundred and seventy-eighth episode, where we discuss how to develop the right type of motivation for your eating and exercise habits.
My name is Brianna Wilkerson from Made Well, and I’m the Founder / CEO of Made Well – a practice designed to see women be healthy and thrive in all areas of their lives.
I am a holistic health and life coach who helps women find peace with food, feel confident in their bodies again, and develop a healthy lifestyle that’s more than about what they weigh.
I also am an Essential Oils Advocate and love empowering women to use non-toxic solutions like essential oils for their health, homes, and families.
It is my absolute delight and pleasure to bring you this podcast and share with you all my heart and soul around truly being healthy and thriving in all areas of your life!
Have you been lacking the motivation to actually take care of yourself?
Or maybe you feel like you have the motivation but the motivation does not transfer into implementation?
If so, this podcast episode is for YOU!
Today on the @morethanyourweightpodcast, I have the amazing Dr. Shawn Hondorp to chat with us about why autonomous motivation is the best type of motivation to have when it comes to your eating, exercise and all your other healthy habits.
Dr. Hondorp is a board-certified clinical health psychologist living with her husband, two kids, and their dog in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology and has many years of research and clinical experience in the field of weight management and eating disorders. She has a private practice and a podcast called Motivation Made Easy: Body Respect, True Health, and her mission is to help women stop ineffective dieting and find empowering ways to improve their health, all based on what SCIENCE actually tells us about motivation.
In this episode, you will learn about:
- Dr. Shawn’s story in overcoming her own struggles with weight, disordered ways of eating and diets
- Her perspective weight based / body shame culture and it’s impact on our mind and health
- Three practical ways to develop the right type of motivation around healthy habits
- What autonomous motivation is and how it cn help you create sustainable eating and exercise habits
- Details on Dr. Shawn’s Anti-Diet Pep Talk freebie and her podcast
- How to sign up for my FREE Food Freedom Challenge starting on Sept 13th to help you develop a healthy mindset towards food, your body, and yourself
Be sure to check out the episode below and the resources/links!
Click below to listen (on anchor):
Brianna’s Resources Mentioned:
- Sign up for the Food Freedom Challenge starting on Sept 13th
- Join the More Than Your Weight Women’s Community on Facebook to unpack this episode
- Sign up for my Podcast Newsletter + Library and never miss an episode!
- Leave a podcast review so more women can be blessed by this podcast
- Follow me on Instagram and see behind-the-scenes of my own health journey, life and business
- Grab my Food Freedom Journal (if you miss the LIVE challenge!)
Dr. Shawn’s Resources Mentioned:
- Website
- Anti-Diet Pep Talk Freebie
- Motivation Made Easy Podcast
- Eps 18 – You are More Than Your Weight (My episode on Dr. Shawn’s Podcast)
Join the FREE Food Freedom Challenge!

Are you tired of the constant battle with food and feeling like food is controlling you instead of you controlling it?
Are you ready to break free from emotional eating and lose weight that lasts, but does it from a place of love and affection for your body and yourself?
Are you longing to finally find peace with food and create a strong mindset and habits base that helps you to start believing that you and your body are more than enough right now?
Then this FREE 7 Day Challenge!
From September 13 – 19th, I’ll take you through seven days of mindset and habits work to help you find peace with food, your body, and yourself so that you will know that your worth does NOT equal your weight and that your body deserves all the healthy loving habits you can give it.
After the seven days, you will walk away with:
- Define your version of food freedom
- Unpack your history with diets
- Put the scale and your weight in its proper place
- Start to see food as fuel, not as a friend or foe
- Learn to love and celebrate your body
- Start believing that you are enough
- Exercise from a place of love for your body
- Understand how your emotions are impacting your food choices and health
Included in the challenge:
- Mini trainings and reflection questions
- Daily LIVE Q&A sessions
- Facebook group support
Ready to find your version of food freedom and find peace with food, your body, and yourself?
Grab FREE access below!
Join my FREE Facebook community to unpack this episode and get support in your food freedom, body confidence and healthy lifestyle goals.

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