Are you tired of trying to keep up with your kids and still find time for your own health and self-care?

Maybe you are eager to finally love, embrace and take care of your mom body?

Are you ready to leave the past behind and finally feel healthy, strong and confident in the season of motherhood you are in?

Does this all sound familiar to you?

  • You aren't sure how to prioritize your health and self-care as a mom in the season of motherhood you are in
  • You've tried every diet under the sun but you just can't seem to find a way of eating that will help you lose the weight, get fit, and stay that way
  • You are tired of feeling deprived and want to enjoy the food you are eating
  • You have struggled with some weight, digestive, energy, hormones and other healthy issues and can't seem to find the solution
  • You find yourself running to food for comfort and then running from it later, seeing it as a friend than foe
  • You are tired of the yo-yo emotions around how you feel about your body 
  • You have lost hope that you will ever be able to get your eating, exercise and overall health under control
  • You are tired of always feeling stress and barely sleeping
  • You desire to take care of your body in a more natural, non-toxic way but don't know where to start
  • You have lost hope that you will ever be able to get a healthy body you love and are proud of

All of the statements above? That was me for the most of my life until now.

Mommy Me Time Coaching Programs

Health coaching programs to help busy moms feel healthy, strong and confident by prioritizing their health and self-care in the season of motherhood they are in.

Book a clarity call to learn more!

Listen to my story

I tried almost every diet known to man, worked out consistently for a time period than stopped and have struggled to see food as a good thing. I struggled to accept my body's shape and look and did whatever I could to get slim and look perfect.

It wasn't until June 2013 when I felt God calling me to pursue health holistically and for the long term, that things started to change.

I started to look at health from a holistic point of view and started to care about myself emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. I started to make better food choices out of love for myself instead of just to lose weight. I even started exercising consistently by simply walking outside a few days a week.

And then in October of 2014, my friend and I did the Whole30 and it forever changed my life.

Not only was I able to enjoy real, whole foods without thinking about calories but thinking about quality, I was able to beat my sugar cravings, make some not so healthy recipes - healthy, and enjoy healthy eating again. And even overcome the constant digestive issues I struggled with, while losing fat and inches!

But most of all, from the Whole30 and my own health journey, I've learned the importance of honoring my body and learning to love it by caring about it's holistically through nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, digestion, toxic load, and healthy mindset and habits.

Then I became a mom and had to figure out how to prioritize my own health and self-care in the season of motherhood I was in. And I did, through small simple health and self-care habits each day.

And if I - someone who struggled with eating, her weight, diets, and self-love ​and making space for self-care for so many years could overcome, you can too!

Brianna Wilkerson
Founder of Made Well
Holistic Health Coach
Crossfit Level 1 Trainer

It's time for the change and the transformation you desire in your health and to move past the regrets of yesterday and focus on the hope for today and tomorrow.
It's time to stop into the thriving health you desire and deserve.

I want to help you!

Make your health/yourself a priority again.

You want to find a way of healthy living and self-care isn't time consuming and is effective. You may be done setting health goals and habits that work for awhile, but don't stick because life gets in the way.  I want to help you find a way of caring for your body holistically with healthy habits that are simple and sustainable, AND you can do in less than 10 minutes a day.

Feel healthy, strong & confident in your body.

You may lack confidence in who you are and how you look as a mom. I want to help you love you and your body right now, no matter what size, shape or scale number it's at - while still taking steps to make changes that help you feel vibrant and alive in your body.

Your Worth > Your Weight, Work, or Being a Mother

You are worth so much more than the scale or your to-do list will ever say. I want to help you believe and walk in your worth, knowing you are loved, belong, and have something awesome to offer this world - not just because of how you look or what you do or didn't do for work, your kids, or any other part of life. And to practically know and walk in your worth by caring for your mind, body and soul in the ways you need.

Experience nourishment and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

You are more than your health, body and weight - you are a whole person with many aspects to your life. I want to help you find fulfillment, joy and passion in your whole life - career, purpose, finances, relationships, emotions, mind and body. You weren't just meant to survive, you were meant to flourish!

Find freedom from emotional eating and find peace with food

You may feel like you will never find peace with food or break free from your struggles with eating, your weight or your body. However, as someone who felt the same but has found freedom and helped 100s of women do the same, I want to help you not only find peace with food, come to love and look forward to each nutritious, meal!

Here's how I'm going to help you...

Mommy Me Time Coaching Programs

Health coaching programs designed to help moms feel healthy, strong and confident through prioritizing their health and self-care in the season of motherhood they are in.

There are two options for the Mommy Me Time Coaching Programs.

Busy Mom Health Reboot -1 Month Program
Busy Mom Health Accelerator - 3 Month Program

Interested in seeing if this is a fit for you, book a call below!

Why my Coaching Programs?

Many of us  moms have fallen victim to intense diets, exercise programs, weight loss and weight gain, and are desperately just trying to find a way to care for and love ourselves again, and know that as moms we need to find a way that is simple, joyful and effective. 

We are looking for a method that is simple, natural, sustainable and doesn't feel depriving or restrictive.

We are looking for support and community along the way who are also on the same journey.

We are looking to find joy in taking care of ourselves and learn to love our bodies and who we are again.

We are looking to get healthy bodies we love and are proud of.

And after working with many moms over the last eight years in these same struggles, I created my Mommy Me TIme Coaching Programs to be the solution we all have been looking for.

My 3 Part Framework: Mind, Body and Soul

When it comes to lasting change in your health and life, looking at your mind, body and soul is key. However, every individual's journey is different, so what we focus on in our program will be determined by your needs and goals. Therefore, in my Mommy Me Time Coaching Programs, based on your needs and goals, the types of things we can cover include:

1. MIND // ​Aligned Goal Setting & Reflection

We will start by taking stock where you are in your mindset and habits surrounding healthy living and determine where you want to be at the end of our our time together. We will then create realistic, lifegiving and sustainable goals in those areas and use my Food Journal + Habits Tracker, Vision Boarding, and Affirmations to help you track your goals process. 

2. MIND // Food Freedom Journey

Finding peace with food, your body and yourself is extremely important in your sustainable weight loss journey. We will also get to the bottom of your beliefs, thoughts, and words around your worth, health, weight and goals and identify if any of those are holding you back. We will work together to help you restore your relationship with food, your body and yourself so you can start taking care of yourself from a place of love, joy and gratitude.

3. BODY // Healthy Habits for Long-Term Success

To reach your health goals and feel good in your body again, you need to do more than eat right and exercise. Including habits in areas such as stress management, sleep, digestion, and reducing your toxic load, will set you up well to reach your goals. We will dive deeper and identify which are the most important habits for you to implement.

4. BODY // Hormone Health

With over 50+ hormones in our bodies, when these chemicals messengers are out of balance, so many other aspects of our health and body don't work they way they should. We may be tired, have skin issues, have metabolic concerns, and problems related to our menstrual cycle. We will look at the top hormones we as women should be concerned about and how lifestyle choices can support our hormones.

5. SOUL // Nourishing Yourself with Primary Food

Although caring for our bodies are important, what primarily feeds and nourishes our soul is not what's on the plate - it's what's off the plate. This is our primary food. Together, we will look at your nourishment and satisfaction in your spirituality, career, finances, emotions, and personal development and how you can have more fulfillment in those areas in your life.

6. SOUL // Cultivating Gratitude and Intentions

Being grateful has a way of putting everything into perspective and helping us see how much we have and how far we've come. Together, we will work on gratitude, celebration, reflection and meaningful intentions to help you celebrate each milestone you have and will reach, while also creating daily intentions that move you forward in the goals you have for your health and life.

Busy Mom Health Reboot
(1 Month Program)

What's Included: 

(3) 30-Minute Coaching Sessions

To help you get unstuck and rewrite limiting beliefs around food, your body and yourself

Prior to each coaching session, you will out a questionnaire to guide our time together. During our session, we will discuss your answers and together help you create a customized, comprehensive plan to reboot and jumpstart your health in our 30 days together

Unlimited E-Support for 1 Month

A space to get support in between our sessions

In between our sessions, you will have access to me via slack to ask any questions or get any support you need as you work to implement the plan we created.

Busy Mom Health Reboot Course

To give you tools to plan, implement and reflect on the plan we create

All my 1:1 long-term clients get access to my signature 30-day Reboot which is designed to help you kick start your health journey & habits in a simple, fun, and effective way.

Topics Include:

* Grace-filled Planning
* Diet-Free Eating
* Joyful Movement
* Deep Breaths and Rest
* Think Positively

Resources Include:

* Weekly Trainings + Worksheets
* Food Journal and Habits Tracker
* Body Measurements and Weight Tracker
*Meal Planning and Exercise Planning Worksheets
*Self-Care Ideas
*Meal, Juice and Smoothie Recipe Ideas
*Healthy Whole Foods
*Healthy Eating on the Go
*Snack Ideas: 20 healthy snack ideas to keep you eating well and satisfy the munchies!
*Grocery Shopping Guide
*Fitness & Exercise Plan
*Progress and Points Tracker

Bonus: Creating Healthy Habits with Essential Oils Series

This is the perfect series to help you use essential oils and other wellness products to build upon the healthy habits we are working on in the reboot program. Each week, I will share what essential oils/wellness products you can use to catalyze your results in the healthy habit areas we cover in this course. Plus, you will learn all about how to get these essential oils at the most affordable rate possible, and what I offer my essential oil customers for support in using these oils to create a healthy lifestyle.

...and much more!

Busy Mom Health Accelerator
(3 Months)

What's Included:

(1) 60 Minute Retreat & Goal Setting Intensive

To take your health goals and break them down into do-able milestones and steps

Prior to this coaching session, you will out a questionnaire to guide our time together. During our session, we will talk through what are your biggest blocks when it comes to food, your health and your body and talk through practical solutions to help you move forward.

(9) 30 Minute Coaching Sessions

Coaching Sessions to get clarity, encouragement, and accountability

You will have two coaching sessions a month. Prior to each coaching session, you will receive a survey to help you think through where you most need support during our coaching session. During our coaching sessions, we will meet to process how the last two weeks went and discuss next steps for your health goals and breakthrough. The two weeks in between each session will be used for you to take time to implement and take action.

(12) Weekly Trainings & Resources

Short trainings & resources customized to support you in your unique goals

Based off of the goals we set out in our initial 90 minute session, I will create a custom training and resource course for you where each week you will receive a short training/resource to move you forward in your goals. The last week of each month will include a reflect/celebrate on your goals training/resource to help reflect on the current month and plan for the next month.

Topics include:

1. Effective Goal Setting for the Busy Mom

2. Meal Planning Made Easy

3. Moving Your Body Daily

4. How to Lessen Overwhelm and Mom Stress with Simple Self-Care

5. Getting the Sleep You Need and Deserve

6. Managing Your Mind around Your Body, To-Do List and Motherhood

7. Caring for Your Gut and Brain Through Food

8. Creating an Exercise Routine That Maximizes Your Results

9. Balancing Your Hormones and Increasing Your Energy Naturally

10. Detoxing Your Body and Home in Three Steps

11. Nourishing Yourself with Primary Food

12. Cultivating Gratitude and Celebration for Lifelong Success

Unlimited E-Support for 3 Months

A space to get support during our time together

During our 3 months together, you will have access to me via a private message system to ask any questions and get any support you need as you work to implement the action steps we came up with in our sessions.

Bonuses for 3 Month Coaching:

Access to the Busy Mom Health Reboot

30 day reboot to help you kick start your health journey & habits in a simple, fun, and effective way

All my 1:1 long-term clients get access to my signature 30-day Reboot which is designed to help you kick start your health journey & habits in a simple, fun, and effective way.

Topics Include:

* Grace-filled Planning
* Diet-Free Eating
* Joyful Movement
* Deep Breaths and Rest
* Think Positively

Resources Include:

* Weekly Trainings + Worksheets
* Food Journal and Habits Tracker
* Body Measurements and Weight Tracker
*Meal Planning and Exercise Planning Worksheets
*Self-Care Ideas
*Meal, Juice and Smoothie Recipe Ideas
*Healthy Whole Foods
*Healthy Eating on the Go
*Snack Ideas: 20 healthy snack ideas to keep you eating well and satisfy the munchies!
*Grocery Shopping Guide
*Fitness & Exercise Plan
*Progress and Points Tracker

...and much more!

Access to the Food & Body Freedom Bootcamp

6 Week Course to help you jumpstart your mindset + habits surrounding your worth, food, your body, your weight, yourself and healthy habits

All my 1:1 long-term clients get access to my signature 6-week course, the Food Freedom Bootcamp, which is designed to help women reset their mindset and
habits and find their version of food freedom, body confidence, and contentment with themselves.

Topics Include:

* Define Your Version of Food Freedom
* History with Diets & the Scale
* The Connection Between Mood & Food
* Food as Fuel and Exercise as a Joy
* ​Celebrate and Take Care of Your Bodies
* ​Believe & Act Like You're Enough

Resources Include:

* Weekly Trainings + Worksheets
* Journaling Prompts
* Food Journal + Habits Tracker
* Affirmation How-To Guide
* Visualization Exercises
* Non-Scale Victories List
​* Nutrition & Exercise Trainings and resources

...and much more!
Access to my Whole30 40-Day E-Course

40-Days to reset your nutrition and find your version of food freedom

​Through the Whole30 elimination protocol with the support you need to succeed and see the transformation/results you long for. This is perfect to help reset your taste buds, body, find food freedom and figure out which foods work best for your body. This course includes 5 prep emails, 30 days of support emails during the Whole30 and 5 days of reintroduction emails.

What People are Saying about working with me...



Deborah Baildam , Interior Decorator

I've always struggled with my digestion and after 10 years, I was ready to get help. I immediately thought of Brianna as she had led the nutrition talk when I first joined Crossfit about a year ago. I saw her as the most approachable person to help me. Although I was embarrassed because of my intolerances and symptoms, after our first initial meeting I knew we were on the same page and she knew what she was doing.

During our program, we worked together in a number of different ways. We had (3) 1 hour long meetings where one of those we spent walking around the supermarket choosing relevant foods together. She also sent me daily emails with thoughts for the day and recipe ideas and she was always at my beck and call if I had any questions. For example if my friends were getting a takeaway and I’d panic about what I could have - she got back to me immediately with some food choices.

As a result of her program I was able to lose some weight, eat appropriately for the exercise I did in Crossfit, and also get to the bottom of what foods were causing my digestive issues.

I would absolutely recommend Brianna to others as not only was she reliable and knowledgeable, she was friendly, helpful and easy to talk to during and between our 1:1 sessions.

If you are ready to take your physical health seriously and finally reach your health goals and get to the bottom of issues you've struggled with for awhile, Brianna and her Whole30 Made Easy Program is for you!



Vickie M. Clarke , Pastry Chef

My top three goals starting Brianna's program were to 1) Run a 5K in a year, 2) eat veggies more consistently and 3) exercise more consistently. Brianna was able to help me work toward these goals by encouraging me and giving me helpful resources and recommendations to help me reach my goals. The biggest tangible changes I've noticed is that I exercise regularly at Crossfit after avoiding exercise for a long time, eat more veggies with every meal, and pre-plan my meals without thinking too much about it.



Maria Israel , Child Care Provider

I chose to work 1.1 with Brianna as I was battling with unhealthy habits-destructive eating habits and a mindset I didn't know how to control.
I gained immediate support and encouragement from Brianna-no waiting list or waiting on dear friends who were tired and going through their own issues.
She gave me strategies that I could implement straight away, she always kept in touch and I felt comfortable knowing that she had firsthand experience of some of the things I was going through.

I enjoy being part of the membership community, the Healthy and Thriving Women's Members Club. Its fun and interactive. The discussions help me to focus on working on becoming a better me and it's very affordable. I love working with Brianna. She is great company along this journey of life. She works with you at improving all areas of your life, whether it's spiritual, financial or you're wanting to start your own business. I got Instant results!



Female Client , Accountant

When I started Brianna's program, I was surprised at how quickly I saw results - not just physically, but holistically I felt like a brand new person. Brianna taught me to look at health from a holistic point of view and gave me the tools and motivation to live a more balanced life. Within weeks my stomach issues cleared up, lost weight and gained muscle, started to be more creative in preparing food, became more self-confident, started to grow in my faith, and gained a healthier and stronger body...I would recommend Brianna to EVERYONE!



Pam Scheppele , Certified Retirement Financial Specialist

When I started working with Brianna my top goal was to gain more energy. We started with the basics: mindset. Brianna helped me to give myself permission to rest and realize that “I am enough” even if I have to slow down in this stage of my life.

Then we worked on goal setting for healthy eating and exercise. With Brianna’s coaching, there is no judgement, just guidance to getting back on track when I wasn’t hitting my goals..

The two biggest changes for me after working with Brianna is that I do have more energy (it’s a work in progress) and I understand about mindset and I challenge myself when I run into self-limiting beliefs.

A bonus is I was able to take on the Whole30 program. I lost 5 lbs and know better how to eat right! I now know to eat based on what I need, instead of what I want.

Brianna is understanding, encouraging, and resourceful. She has a ton of personal experiences which she shares when appropriate. She’s been exposed, professionally, to so many aspects of life so is able to help in all areas, more than just physical health.

I would highly recommend Brianna to anyone who would like someone to walk beside them and encourage them as they work on any type of life change, whether it be big or small.



Rachelle Peterson , Business Professional

Brianna gave me a fresh perspective and the hope I needed to persevere in my daily battle for healthy living. I went to her for help with my diet and uncovered some much deeper issues attributing to my struggles. Brianna graciously and tenderly guided me through these areas that needed healing and offered her wisdom and support throughout my journey. I’m thankful for the time spent with her as it was a fantastic launching pad for me to receive healing and progress in my desire for a healthier lifestyle – emotionally and physically.




I joined the Healthy Body Academy to gain support on my journey towards a healthier and happier me! Since joining the Academy, I’ve learned not to beat myself up over unhealthy choices, and to realise that I can achieve my goals, with the support of these amazing women! Some things I love about the Healthy Body Academy is the loving support without any judgment and nothing is shoved down your throat as in “if you don’t do this, you’re out”. Brianna gives us insights and ideas that we think about and can adopt & adapt to fit us, and while we’re all separate individuals, we’re a family in the Academy. I would definitely recommend you working with Brianna in the Academy as she is loving and supportive and the amazing ability to put ideas, tips, etc. out there that make me really think about the why’s and how’s of my current lifestyle and habits, while encouraging me to make changes that I can manage.


I’ve been struggling with weight loss for many years now and the Academy gives you so much tools and resources that you can pick and choose what you want to focus on whenever you want

Deana-Marie Rose , Mom

I have been following Brianna for many years now and stumbled across her website advertised in a program I was starting at IIN which we are both alumni of. She always received good information from her posts and did a few calls with her but when the opportunity came to join Academy, I knew I had to join. I’ve been struggling with weight loss for many years now and the Academy gives you so many tools and resources that you can pick and choose what you want to focus on whenever you want and at your own leisure. And the focus is not just weight loss but the whole self of a person.

My experience in the Sustainable Weight Loss Academy has made me realize that although I know a lot of what is being offered, I still need help and it ok to acquire the help you need to be mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.

My Favorite part is having an accountability partner, someone who you can share things with like your goals for the day or week and have them hold you to what you said you were going to do that day or week. It gives you the subtle push you need to get going.

There’s a saying that my assistant pastor says and it’s that you can’t live life alone and with the academy, you have a bunch of women just live you with issues not always the same but your goals are centered around creating a better you a better self. If you're looking for a change and a little push and help along the way, the Sustainable Weight Loss Academy will get you there but you still have to do the work, read the content and apply methods to your life, and stick to it so that you can see the results you desperately need.

busy mom health

90-Day 1:1 Health Coaching for busy moms who want to accelerate their results and radically prioritize the health and self-care



/one time

  • (1) 60-Min 1:1 Goal Intensive Session
  • (9) 30-Min 1:1 Coaching Session
  • (12) Weekly Trainings and Resources
  • Unlimited E-Support on Slack
  • Personalized Support
  • Access to the Busy Mom Health Reboot
  • Access to the Food & Body Freedom Bootcamp
  • Access to my Whole30 E-Course
  • (Payment plan available)

This IS for you if...

  • You are ready to move from a place of discouragement and defeat in your weight and health, to a place of freedom, victory and empowerment right now as a mom
  • You are ready to find a way of eating and taking care of your body that is both joyful and sustainable in the season of motherhood you are in
  • You are ready to unpack what's leading you to emotionally eat and find other ways to deal with its root
  • You are ready to banish negative thoughts holding you back and develop a mindset of truth, faith, and success in every goal you put your mind too
  • You are committed to change and transformation in your whole health and will put the work in to see it come to past
  • You are ready to learn to honor, love and be proud of your body
  • You are ready to be held accountable and have a coach to support you along the way

This is NOT for you if...

  • You are looking for a quick fix in your health goals and aren’t willing to do the hard work necessary to see true, and lasting success
  • You want to just learn but not apply the recommendations and steps to help you move forward in your health
  • You just want to learn the tips and strategy, and aren't ready to do the deeper mindset work
  • You are comfortable where you are at in your health and life and don’t want to change 
  • You want aren’t willing to invest the time and money needed to shift your mindset and habits to see powerful results and lasting transformation in your health and life